I dutifully waited 3 months and took an at-home A1C test this afternoon, and it was 5.6! Normal range! I'm feeling a lot more encouraged now.
When I showed up at the neighborhood rec center for the clay handbuilding class, no one had even heard that there was supposed to be a class.
I'm starting to wonder if these classes are secret fairy market locations where nobody expected people to show up to get their craft on.
A1C ... 5.6
Oh, very good. Whatever is working, keep doing that.
Thanks, dcp! And I'm sorry you've had to trudge through so many bureaucratic onerous tasks.
It looks like much of the back yard is clover, or at least that's what's pushing out of the leaves now. I'm going to see about getting them and the sweetgum balls cleared once the plumbing excavation is done, but I wouldn't mourn if the actual grass gets smothered in the meantime and leaves me with clover as ground cover.
A clover lawn can be nice. [link]
Yay on the atc numbers shrift.
Well Teppy that sucks about the craft blocking. Not sure what type of crafts you are looking to do..but if you are interested in collage or junk journal or something like that I can point you to some good YouTube channels.
Timelies all!
Had dinner last night with some friends we hadn't seen since October.(and that, only briefly, as that was a clusterfuck of a convention because of Mr. S) Went to a place that we'd never been before, which went fine. The food was good(Latin American/South American) but our server had some problems doing separate checks.