For a long time I thought "awry" was pronounced aw-ree, and that there was this totally separate word out there that I assumed was spelled "arigh."
Ha, that’s me with facade. Definitely thought it meant different things if you pronounced as fake aid versus fussad.
"Mommy and Daddy let me stay up until midnight"
Bet they fell for that one.
One of our friends told us how his kid pronounced "debris" as "DEB-riss," and now that's forever how I hear it in my head when I read it.
Heard this one yesterday...
Have you heard about the huge cheese factory fire in France?
De brie everywhere.
I did end up napping and reading most of the day yesterday. Today is another early called snow day that has amounted to very little snow. I’m trying to do some clean up before the cleaners come tomorrow.
Susan, I once read a book in which a character referred to her "germing shepherd" dog.
I don't think I know how to say desultory. Both ways I try it in my head sound right. But I don't think I need to say it outloud.
I said carnivorous car-ni-VOR-us when I was a kid and got made fun of and it's still kind of how I want to say it. Not omnivorous, though. Shrug.
Oh, wait, I had something else to say. Y'all, I bought a bag of bagels and a tub of cream cheese like a month ago to eat at work and I just now ran out of BOTH at the SAME TIME. I was pleasantly surprised.
I learned how to pronounce desultory last week. I’ve been saying it out loud for 40 years. Ha!
And I was today years old when I learned. Ha, ha! (It actually flows much better with the right emphasis.)
Which reminds me of how I though archipelago was pronouced before I ever heard it out loud... had the stress on the wrong syllable... arkuhpuhLAWGo. I don't know, man... I still kind of dig it.
Apparently my entire life of pronouncing shit in my head has been a lie, because I had no idea I was pronouncing "desultory" or "archipelago" wrong. (Pretty sure I've never had to say them out loud, though I wouldn't swear to it.)