Hope you are feeling better today, Gud.
Happy birthday, Laura! Funny, I don't even think of shrimp and grits as a NOLA thing, I first heard of them as a specialty from somewhere else. South Carolina?
my profound commitment to inertia seems to be winning
The good news is that once you get moving that inertia will keep you in motion. Good luck!
Gud, I'm sorry. Know the feeling, if not the specific thing that drives you there.
Happy birthday, Laura! Hope you're out and about eating yummy things and being fussed over by Brendon!
Everyone in the path of the winter storm doing okay?
I am not in the path of the winter storm but apparently it’s 26 degrees outside which explains why it’s only 63 in my house. Brr!
Meanwhile, far away from the winter storm, they're predicting 80 degrees or so here. The cherry trees are starting to bloom as well as some of the early magnolias. There's concern that the cherry blossom festival will have no cherry blossoms by the time it starts.
I met another visitor when I took the trash out today, a rat in the corner by my kitchen door. Poor thing had an injured back leg and more or less dragged itself to the back yard in fright. Hopefully it will either be able to recover from its injury or fall prey to the menagerie of cats and dogs that frequent my yard and be put out of its misery quickly. I'm not hard-hearted enough to do it myself, but I also draw the line at wild rats when it comes to animal rescues.