I contacted the person covering for my doctor over the weekend, and got a Paxlovid prescription. Still not feeling great, but not really awful either.
For a timeline, I started feeling sick Saturday night. Tested myself early Monday, called my NP, got an almost immediate telehealth appt and picked up the Paxlovid by noon. I tested negative (it was the first time I tested since the first two positives) on Friday. I was exposed (most likely) on Thursday evening so I was symptomatic 48 hours after exposure. And started taking Paxlovid 36 hours after first symptoms.
I hope you feeling much better soon and have an easy recovery.
Happy birthday, Bev! I hope the day for you and H is as lovely as you.
Happy Birthday Bevdog!
I did not get the Paxlovid because I could not get enough energy to doctor. I was better in the five day window, but I still have plugged ears. This was September.
I'm just getting over a stupid cold, but I just had to cancel a blood donation appointment for tomorrow because I still have a "productive cough." Grrr.
I'm just getting over a stupid cold, but I just had to cancel a blood donation appointment for tomorrow because I still have a "productive cough." Grrr.
Your cough is trying too hard. Tell it to quit-in-place.
Feel better, sickies! And thanks for the b-day wishes. There are books, and unscented goats milk soap, and a tiny carrot cake--on fire! It's been lovely.
Belated Happy Birthday, Beverly; B's birthday twin. He turned 21 yesterday, if you can believe that.
Fiona that cannot possibly be true! What?! Full grown adult??
I am awake in the middle of the night again but this time because I had friends over for dinner and a movie and ended up with an awful migraine in the middle of it and had to be like “sorry do your think I’m going to bed”. They were lovely and cleaned up and left me leftovers in the fridge. I was trying to avoid taking my migraine meds because I have some testing on Tuesday and i think they might mess that up but eventually I gave in. Wish I’d given in sooner.