Indeed, this is excellent news JZ!
thank god my departing staff member has pushed his departure back another 2 weeks, so I have a solid month to come up with a transition plan
Of course hiring takes 6 months or more so basically I will be begging for help from other groups around the country. Yay. Love this.
JZ, that sounds very promising. Continuing to send all good thoughts your way.
JZ, I'm so glad to hear multiple doctors think you are on a promising track.
That is a delightful update, JZ.
I'm very glad to see the good news, JZ. I hope you quickly find a comfortable routine that works well for you, and continued good results.
Timelies all!
Sounds like good news,JZ!
Thanks for the great update, JZ!
Ugh, brenda, boo.
Ugh, sj, booo.
Hey -t or anyone -- my mother has to get from SFO to Martinez, and thinks she can take a train. Does that sound right?
That does sound great, JZ!
‘Bout damn time you got some productive news, JZ!
Reassuring news JZ, glad to hear it!