Brenda, that does suck. Good luck with the transition.
They said they’re going to be hiring someone “eventually” and that I can check back as often as I want for doctors with availability. I can’t even describe how little energy and motivation I have to check back regularly.
Ugh, Brenda, sorry. And sj, and suela! Too much stress!
I just finished with my second opinion appointment--reassuring; the doctor said the course I'm on looks like the right one; this is an effective chemo agent, and by the time it stops being effective (which will be quite some time away) there are at least three other treatments currently in clinical trial that will likely be in general release--he said he'd offer to enroll me in one of those trials, but the agent I'm on will probably be effective enough that I won't even qualify for the trials until after they're complete. Also, my specific cancer is one that's generated a lot of research interest so there are a lot of people wrestling with the genetics of it right now and he thinks it's likely that more answers will be coming soon.
He also praised my oncologist and said, "She's excellent. I've read some of her papers!"
Oh no, sj! How aggravating. Grr.
Ugh, brenda, I'm sorry about yoru manager. That doesn't sound great for the rest of you, either.
JZ, that does sound reassuring and very promising!
Oh JZ that is very encouraging!
That sounds very positive, JZ. I'm so glad.
That all sounds like good news, JZ!
That’s very reassuring, JZ!
JZ that is really good news !
I found the expriation date on the covid text - it was for last month so I guess it's still accurate. I tested again and it's negative. Asked M to look at my tonsils and he said there wasn't any white spots (just incase I have some kind of feverless strep throat). I don't have a runny nose but I do have a little congestion and I guess it's just running down the back of my throat and irritating everything. Last night my throat hurt and my foot hurt and I just was miserable and couldn't sleep. But today I haven't felt achey or anything so that's a win.
I haven't heard back from the tax place I called so I'm going to try to find some others to contact and I guess I can go to HR Block. I did look through all my stuff and saw I'm missing a 1099 form, which I think started this whole mess, called to find out about getting a copy and had to leave a message.
I've been reorganizing my art and craft stuff and my desk, everything still looks like a mess but I think some of it will be easier to get to and put back. In doing so I found a letter about a class action lawsuit against Equifax that I decided to be a part of and it had a settlement check-- for $5.21. The cost of a dozen eggs (which. I'm still boggling over how expensive they've gotten and I'm starting to wonder if there has been price fixing involved).
But I am not a medical expert.
You should paly one on TV, though. (I'm sorry. Litlerally can't control my fingers. They just keep typing...)
Is anyone planning on watching SMG’s new show tonight?
I am!
Dammit. My PCP is leaving the practice in two weeks
That stinks. I'm sorry.
But mostly he’s a really good guy and this fucking sucks.
Brenda, shit, that really does suck. I'm sorry. Myabe too soon to ask, but do you know/like the person you're now rolled up under?
JZ, that is all really good to hear. Thank you for sharing it.
askye, I hope things with the finances get sorted. It's fraught.
Having a boring but productive day, so I'm calling it a win so far.