I'm fairly certain the Uproot violates the Law of Conservation of Matter and Energy. There should be no way the amount of shed hair it picks up could fit inside that small a volume of fabric.
I forgot to mention that yesterday the cable technician who connected me had to spend 30 minutes with a huge power drill to make the necessary hole in an exterior brick wall, coming in panting several times to check if the drill bit had breached yet. He said that he didn't know what the bricks were made of, but they were the strongest he'd ever tried to drill through. Not a bad thing to hear as a new homeowner, and that windowless brick-enclosed front closet is now my go-to tornado shelter.
Also, I managed to insert
USB cables correctly on the the first try yesterday, so I'm regretful that my cousin didn't schedule her Las Vegas wedding for January instead of October.
I feel that, properly employed, the Uproot could still be the right tool for this job.
Matt, you have inspired visuals in my mind that I cannot thank you for, but you aren't wrong.
I've become sort of addicted to the Uproot, I spent an hour doing three rooms tonight.
And, I discovered an extra added bonus...my Fitbit registers the vigorous activity as actual exercise!
I take an unwholesome delight in the fact that I only wear one kind of short, black socks most of the time and thanks to the Uproot, for the first time, I don't have to take extra measures to de-fur them before washing. It really is the little things that make life so delightful.
I haven't been following the GOP conflagration closely but one of my clients said that it's been fun watching the Rs eat their young. I'm no stranger to schadenfreude, but I just hope the chaos is short-lived and that some sort of reason prevails.
I got up at 6:30 to make it downtown in time for jury duty. Grabbed breakfast, found the correct parking garage, walked over the skybridge to the court building, found the lobby. There was a security guard there greeting people. We had to tear off part of the card to prove we'd shown up, and then we were done. So that was a waste of $3 parking, and an hour 45 commuting.
I feel so much better today after spending most of yesterday reading the paper and drinking tea. December really was a stressful month. I’m working at the library bookstore this afternoon. So, hopefully I can interact with some other humans and maybe even have an interesting book conversation or two.
Ugh, Dana. That’s so annoying. I hope you can enjoy the rest of your day.
Also, I managed to insert FOUR USB cables correctly on the the first try yesterday, so I'm regretful that my cousin didn't schedule her Las Vegas wedding for January instead of October.
You may have used up all your luck and need to wait until October for it to fully recharge. Because correctly inserting 4 USB cables on the first try is some kind of spooky magic.
So that was a waste of $3 parking, and an hour 45 commuting.
The system here you have to call in to see if you need to show up and a good percentage of times you get told not to come, and call back the next day.
Also, I managed to insert FOUR USB cables correctly on the the first try yesterday
Quick--buy a lottery ticket!