Imagine if a Black Lives Matter protest had breached four layers of security fence at the Capitol. People couldn't march peaceably by LaFayette Park this summer, without being tear gassed.
Donald Trump is evil incarnate, and the Republican Senators supporting his sedition are the most un-American thugs I hope I will ever see in my life.
I would have guessed I couldn't be shocked by anything these guys would do anymore but I guess I still can be. Not so much that they do it as that they get away with it. And even that I know I shoudn't be shocked but it's a visceral thing.
They need a firm, immediate, forceful response. Like...right now.
Some of these yahoos have guns.
The Senate and House have both recessed, suspending the debate today.
Pence got rushed out. Trump is in his bunker. Undoubtedly absolutely gleeful.
My parents are safely outside the Beltway, but my in-laws live in Arlington within walking distance of the Capitol. They aren't likely to be in any real danger from inside their condo development across the river from where the protests are happening, but watching this happen is completely fucking terrifying.
It is. I hope they stay safe, Jessica.
It's also just making me want to cry, but my crying is constipated, for lack of a better word, so I've just ended up with a wicked headache.
WTF? W the actual F?
It seems, from reports that Capitol police and local authorities didn't plan in advance for this kind of response. I know hindsight is 20/20, but it's not like this was a secret rally/protest. Trump has been pimping it publicly.
This is terrifying. Tear gas being used now, and they think it's protestors turning it on police. I can't believe this is my country.
WTF? W the actual F?
That's where I'm at. I know what's going on, but what the fuck is going on.
Weird how this didn't happen after George H.W. Bush lost, or after Dole, McCain, and Romney lost. (Or, for that matter, after Gore, Kerry, and Clinton lost.)
Oh, wait. Not weird; they didn't incite their followers to commit treasonous violence. My mistake.
This feels like something kids are gonna have to learn for history tests someday.