And we are like “girl, get all the tinder booty you want after the pandemic and we will cheer you on, but we don’t want you to die from COVID because you are “desperate” to hook up!”
I have a friend who's been bemoaning how hard it is to be polyamorous in a pandemic. And I'm sure that it is! That's not my thing, but I can certainly imagine that it has to really be rough. But even so, friendo, PLEASE be careful!
Yeah, you know what else is hard during a pandemic? Running a business that depends on people that gather in groups. If my entire industry can be shut down, then people can forgo hooking up during all of this. It's also bad for my mental health to worry about paying bills, but there it is, this is the reality right now. I have really lost patience with humanity.
Yeah I totally believe she’s having a hard time. Fully get it and want to help...I just think there’s gotta be safer ways. And I know there’s a certain amount of “fuck it I already have this one risk why not take others” but that’s not true
Husband got into a bickering match at the grocery store with a guy whose mask didn't cover his nose. Guy first insisted that it was fine because we were more than six feet away, and eventually he and his wife told us to stay home if we were scared. (My contribution was telling them to fuck off.)
And we are like “girl, get all the tinder booty you want after the pandemic and we will cheer you on, but we don’t want you to die from COVID because you are “desperate” to hook up!”
I have a couple friends who are like this, and I just. Cannot.
It’s hard, because she’s one of my closest friends, and I know she’s having a really hard time, especially with her kid. But for fucks sake, I don’t think it’s the answer to not care about risk! And I really don’t think asking you to not do it for 10 days is unreasonable, but apparently even discussing it is too shame-inducing for her and makes her spiral. I don’t know what to say—I mean, yeah, I AM judging. Not trying to shame you but want you to care about yourself as much as I do—I don’t want you sick or dead!
I'll shame her. Keep your bodily fluids away from other people's bodily fluids as much as possible while we are in a pandemic! Jesus.
I literally just want to sit at a bar with a friend, and I haven't been able to do that for almost a year, and people are out there hooking up? Come ON.
Yeah, I support if people want to chat online and eventually meet up distanced a few times and then decide to date and pod. But not “we matched on tinder, met for lunch, spent the afternoon having sex, but I probably won’t see her again” (though I’m definitely impressed as hell, I can’t manage that kind of pulling when we aren’t in a pandemic much less now!)
Thankfully having a crush on someone throughout the pandemic has proved quite helpful in muting any urge to hook up with randoms, even if it also means I'm mostly not getting any.