I am so sorry Kate. I'm glad you were able to be with her as she passed.
Sheryl, can you take some of those days as partial days as self-care time. Maybe take a long walk, go to a spa, late lunch with a cocktail?
Time for YOU. You are under a terrible amount of stress and maybe carving out small bits of time that you've already accrued but look like a normal workday might give you a little relief.
Cass is sounding pretty sensible
Oh Kate, I am so very sorry. May your memories bring you comfort.
Oh Kate, I’m so sorry. That was so quick from your recent post to now. How sad.
Oh Kate I’m so sorry. How terrible for you all.
I think in a general way I would be better served by taking the time off.
It took me a long time to really grasp it but this is absolutely true.
So much love to you and yours, Kate. May her memory be a blessing.
Kate, I'm so sorry for your loss. My love to you and yours.
Oh, Kate, that's hard. I lost my mom around Thanksgiving and it did color that holiday for some time.
Much love to you and yours.