I finally got a check from worker's comp for the partial disability payments they have owed me since Jun! I hadn't heard from my lawyer so I was surprised. I hadn't heard from her if the issue of me being possibly underpaid while I was on full disability has been resolved so I sent an email saying- I got a check! What do I need to do to keep getting checks from them regularly and also what about the other issues.
Holy crap this is a relief to get this check.
Turnout in SF is currently around 31%, but they're nowhere near done tallying up all the mail-in ballots, so it should go up quite a bit. It damn well better, because that's embarrassing.
18.4% I am just horrified. Don't people care?
Holy crap this is a relief to get this check.
That's wonderful news, askye! Nothing like having brain issues and then they screw with your head for months at a time. Glad you got what I hope is the first of many checks without drama.
Welcome home, Daniel!
Also I didn't go to the dmv today ,I'm putting that off until tomorrow after work again.. BUT I did 2 things iv'e been putting off for awhile so minor victories--yya
Great news, askye! I hope they keep coming.
Holy crap this is a relief to get this check.
That is good news, askye!
Yay a check, askye! Boo a republican, Jess.
We love you, Daniel. Glad you're home.
Good thoughts and hugs to everyone who needs or wants them.
I'm so grateful you're all here.
Karl! Good to see you. How are you?