I'm really looking forward to the Warnock campaign no longer spamming my inbox. I've deleted over 100 emails from them just in the past week!
The other day I counted all the election-related emails I got in a 24-hour period, and it was close to 50 (I wasn't keeping track of Warnock emails specifically, but a LOT were from that campaign).
Yay Daniel!
Jen, so sorry you had to come home from your trip early, but it sounds like you are making the most of your time off.
Sorry abut the job, Calli.
I did buy some lottery tickets last night. All it takes is a dollar and a dream, right? (Well, two dollars.)
(Well, two dollars.)
Hee. Inflation.
Yah, not looking forward to the likely results on Tuesday. And the next decade or two.
On the way to the museum. Beautiful day.
I'm ready for the butler to bring me breakfast, and yet I sit here, unfed.
Shocking, Dana. No feudal spirit.
Dana, I'm pretty sure your butler is off gallivanting with mine, because I had to forage for breakfast my own damn self this morning. Outrageous!
I gave up and made an omelette with prosciutto, feta, and shallots, so I guess I will survive.
OMG, that sounds amazing.
I gave up and made an omelette with prosciutto, feta, and shallots, so I guess I will survive.
I am impressed by your fortitude. Stay strong!
Shallots always sound so fancy to me