YAY for the Condo Laura.
I keep finding dried paint on my hands and my cuticles even though I thought I had washed it all off. Yesterday I was in the car ready to leave for work and realized I had yellow paint on my leg that I some how missed in the shower, despite scrubbing because I knew I had spilled paint on myself.
I have had a few hiccups lately with getting bills paid on time. mostly trying to juggle when my dad sends me money to help me and when my direct deposit goes in. I did email my lawyer about where worker's comp is with finally paying me and she was going to check. I'm going to follow up on Friday if I don't hear back... it's really frustrating because I went back to work in June....but then this is just how the worker's comp is going.
This weekend I'm going to go up and spend with Mom and help her get a new tv --her "i sold my townhouse!" gift to herself.
It got chilly quick here. I need to go and unearth my cold weather clothes from storage and put away the stuff I know I won't be wearing. Although it's going to be back up in the high 70s early next week.
Oh and The Sims 4 and Fallout 3 are now free to play so I've downloaded both to check them out.
It is not as ridiculously hot (though still somewhat unseasonable) but it has not rained and is SO SMOKY. Ugh. I’d hoped we escaped with minimal smoke season when this didn’t happen in august but now it’s weeks.
Thanks, y’all.
I had the interview. There were no tech glitches, and I managed my speed run through my presentation without swallowing my tongue. The questions from the interviewers seemed a bit scripted, but I’m on the other side of that at my current job, and we’ll have scripted questions for our interviewees. It helps keep things equitable, but it does make it hard for me to read the room, especially over zoom. Eh, I sent a thank you email to those whose work addresses I could find, along with a copy of my presentation slides, and now it’s just waiting. From what I could glean from googling and the answers to my questions, it does seem like a place I might like to work.
Hoping for a positive result, quickly, Calli!
Closing on the condo Friday at 1. Should wire the $$ today, still waiting for the breakdown. DH is trying to work it out to come sooner, maybe after his game Saturday so that I can get down to the warmth. My sister and nephew have both offered repeatedly to let me stay with them if it gets too chilly in my house, but I really think it is too complex with the animals. I don't seem to have an issue keeping the daytime temp at 60F in the house, so I can deal with that. I own sweaters and socks!!
Fingers crossed. (ETA: for Cali and Laura!)
Much work today.
Panama in a week and a day, though!
Liz Truss, we hardly knew ya.
Liz Truss, we hardly knew ya.
Did the lettuce outlast her? I guess so. [link]