I’m sorry, Tep. I hope you get a chance to rest somewhere in there. And continuing ~ma for the operation, and while I can totally understand that the hospital needs to keep an eye on Tim meanwhile I hope his stay is unnecessary in a practical sense.
Totally add “ability to edit while crying” to your skills on any resume or self-evaluation, it’s impressive
Tim decided to mention to the doctor today that he’s been having weird things happening with the vision in one eye (why did he not bring this up BEFORE?!?), and he might have a detached retina and need surgery for that immediately, which would postpone the lung surgery. I have emotional whiplash, and I’m going to retreat to a blanket fort and scream.
I thought it was common sense to mention it if your vision gets fucked up. Jesus Christ. And I guess he *did* mention it, but he needed to mention it sooner!
It sounds like postponing the lung surgery will be okay -- his lung is reinflated and doing fine. The surgery definitely needs to happen, but postponing it by a month or 2 will be acceptable. But the eye thing is scary -- if it doesn't get taken care of right away, he could lose vision in that eye.
I couldn’t make this up if I tried: I’m going to have to go to urgent care because the left side of my jaw suddenly swelled up. I look like a chipmunk storing food in my cheek. It suddenly huge.
I thought it was common sense to mention it if your vision gets fucked up.
Uh... better late than never?
I couldn’t make this up if I tried: I’m going to have to go to urgent care because the left side of my jaw suddenly swelled up.
I've got my head in my hands while staring at the middle distance on your behalf. Jesus Christ.
Oh, Teppy that is all too much, but at least he isn’t like a family friend who drove cross country with a detached retina because he assumed he just needed cataract surgery. Feel better.
I’m at my library bookstore volunteering today and there is a book on the desk with a note saying “throw this book away”. It’s a library pull in great condition. So, I assume one of the more conservative volunteers thought it was inappropriate in some way. So, of course, I’m taking it home.
Oh Teppy, I am sorry that so much is being thrown your way. And Tim! Much ~ma for you both.
>I’m at my library bookstore volunteering today and there is a book on the desk with a note saying “throw this book away”.
That is just really strange. Yes, let us know how the book is!
Oh, Tep, that is getting to be an awful lot! Dang.
Jesus, Steph, that's a lot! Good luck with all of it.
I cannot find anything bad about it on Goodreads, Twitter, or Amazon or googling the author and the word controversy. It doesn’t look like smut at all. So weird.