Congrats to Mac on his job!
That’s a lot of stress, Steph. I hope things can get resolved soon.
That sounds like a nice walk, Hec.
Work has been extra worky this week. But it’s cool out, and I have a warm cat on my lap.
I hope our Maritime Buffistas are battened down for Fiona.
My brother just texted me that he talked to the responding officer from last night, and the officer had someone pull the records on calls to the PD from Dad. Apparently last night was the 9th time Dad had called the cops since July. Jesus fucking Christ.
My brother talked to someone from the mental health mobile crisis unit at the PD and someone is going to go to Dad’s tomorrow to evaluate if he needs to be hospitalized. And, honestly, hospitalization seems like the best option.
Oh Tep. My heart goes out to you.
Oh Tep. I’m glad there’s people working on it but what an awful situation.
I wanted to wear my cowboy boots out dancing tonight. I haven’t worn them in a few years, and have mostly been wearing like, Birkenstocks all summer. Ow. Ow. My feet have gotten a bit bigger, and while I did manage to get them on, and one was just snug, the other one (my formerly broken ankle one, which is now permanently a bit swollen) was tooooooo tight. But I stuck it out and wore them for two hours, and took them off before I had to walk home. Hopefully won’t regret it tomorrow!
I hope our Maritime Buffistas are battened down for Fiona.
It took me a moment to parse this sentence.
Best wishes to all of you!
Returns to lurkerdom.
Teppy I’m pretty sure the mental health intervention teams are a new Aftab thing, and god bless ‘em. Also bless your brother who appears to be kicking ass!
On Cape Cod we are having outer fringe Fiona winds. I got a new boss this week and bought tickets to fly to Cinti to pack our house (10/7-12, mark your calendars) and am going to Martha’s Vineyard today to start my phase 3 Lyme disease vaccine trial and I’m really wishing my plan was to be in bed instead.
sj - he has moved here indefinitely. The job is near my job and we will work out some sort of car-sharing situation.
I've been very hands off with him, just letting him decompress and feel comfortable and lounge, but the job starts 9/29 and I leave town 10/5 for 5 days, so today started me waking him up and easing him into a schedule. I think one of the biggest things is we have been eating together almost every night.