Timelies all!
We went to the County Fair today(it was the last day). Mostly ok, except Mr. S had a meltdown when we told him we were not going to play any of the carnival games and another mini meltdown when we said we were not buying him another trinket, as we had already bought him a toy dog. See a pattern? Yeah, it's annoying having to deal with a child who doesn't understand that we can't buy him everything he wants...
Welp. Matthew's mom came to me asking for a thermometer because she had the chills and she wanted to do a Covid test.
Doing it wasn't easy because she did want to put the swab in her nose and pulled it out a few times before she finished.
It came back positive. So now M and I are doing the tests. And tomorrow we will do it again. So...this isn't fun right now. Esp since she will get bored staying in her room.
And today she went over and visited her daughter and grandson and his gf and her great grandbaby.
I made it home! Left at noon, got to Portland, found street parking two blocks from the stadium, spent six hours watching soccer (thankfully the seats came with free water and soda!), only got one autograph, and drove home and got home by 1:45am! Whew.
Oh no, askye! I hope that you are negative. Is is feasible to isolate his mom in the house?
I'm so glad you decided to go, meara! Nice to have the free water and soda for sure.
Technically, yes she can isolate in the house.
But she hasn't. She was washing dishes this morning and I explained what isolating meant and she has to wear a mask if she is in the rest of the house and she fussed about who would do the dishes (in the Covid drama of last night they didn't get done). And I've heard her in the hall multiple times since then.
We mostly just disposable masks but I'm going to try and see about getting some different ones ...I'll do curbside pick up or next day delivery. And I guess when M and I are in common areas we will be wearing masks.
I have to go into work because you only get excused if you test positive. I'll wear a mask and if I'm working on what I did Wed I'll be isolated from people.
This sucks.
Meara that sounds like a lot of fun.
askye, when ltc and I had had it we all masked in common areas and TCG never came down with it, fwiw. We were wearing N95 masks.
I tried to wear a heavy duty mask at work but I was sweating too much. Double masking wasn't too bad. I stayed away from ppl.
At home I'm going to make in common areas and kind of stick to the office ish room. I don't think she'll wear a mask in common areas so I can only do what I can do.
I can barely get anyone to come to Francesca’s kids party and am feeling like the worst mother ever.
You are not a bad mother and Francesca is an awesome kid.
The other moms suck.