Well, I’m ending the year on an appropriate note. Saturday I had what looked like a bug bite on my face which grew larger and painful the next day. Last night the entire left side of my face turned red and swelled up. I look like Jake LaMotta. Off to urgent care this morning to find I have a skin infection, which I seem to have responded to at the right time. I do have to monitor carefully and if my eye starts hurting or I get a fever, I have to immediately go to the ER. As it is, my face hurts and I am on Amoxicillin and Bactrim and have to apply hot compresses on the regular.
Honestly, I look way worse than I feel. Every time my DH catches sight of my face, he looks stricken.
It wasn’t far, so I called them and got a replacement meal. I specifically asked them to make sure the rice was cooked. This time the rice is al dente instead of crunchy. I’m pretty sure rice isn’t supposed to be either.
That is bizarre, Tom. I wonder if their rice cooker is malfunctioning so they don't know??
Oh no, Scrappy! That sounds ugh. I'm so glad you got in to see someone.
Yikes, Scrappy! Hope it clears up quick.
I am unaware of any trends toward al dente rice. But then, I wouldn't hear until they were over, probably.
Oh, no, Scrappy. I'm glad you went to urgent care in good time. Here's to antibiotics. Rest well, and heal.
Tom, that is weird.
I'm eating leftover refritos and rice from yesterday's (or the day before's?) tacos. The rice is fully cooked, I'm happy to report.
We like those packages of rice you just need to pop into the microwave and we eat a lot of rice, so we have a lot of packages. We were keeping them in a wire basket on top of the refrigerator, but we started seeing packages all over, like on the second floor landing or on the couch. We then found a couple of wrappers behind the dog bed and realized our dog had enjoyed some Uncle Ben’s. We discovered that one of our cats was taking them out overnight and carrying them around the house. Why rice, when the house is full of dog and cat toys? He has his mysterious catty reasons. We keep the rice in the cabinet now.
A bag of rice does seem pretty similar to a cat toy, to be fair.
To my cats, EVERYTHING is a cat toy. Except the little spinny cat toy designed for that purpose, which lies ignored on the floor.
A cat toy is whatever Murderbiscuit says is a cat toy. Until he decides it isn't.
those packages of rice you just need to pop into the microwave
I really like Trader Joe's Rice Medley ("Brown Rice, Red Rice & Black Barley"). I will need to restock my freezer soon.