Impressive, Tom! Just, please be careful. I get all anxious about long covid biting my friends in the ass, and I want everyone's ass thoroughly unbitten by long covid (other entities I suppose are okay as long as there's active consent, but long covid better back off).
Happiest of Plei Days! Until next year's Plei Day, and the one after that, and so on. But happiest as of right now!
I'm so weary. So, so weary, and so grateful that tomorrow is a holiday. But right now I'm sitting in our drinky parlor drinking a drink and successfully internetting with the assistance of a mesh system that I managed to get up and running just a couple of hours ago, and it's starting to feel no longer completely unreal.
I have trimmed down my book collection considerably.
At this point I admit that I'm super resistant to any further trimming--I got rid of ~500 books when I moved in with Hec and put another ~200 into storage at my dad's place, culled further and put another couple hundred into storage when Matilda was born, have continued culling every couple of years since then, was too broke to buy any books at all for a good five years, and lost at least half of the stored books when my dad's place burned down. I *know* I still have an abnormally large number of books, but it just emotionally feels like too many have disappeared under duress or via trauma, and I may be able to rationally evaluate and cull them sometime in the future, but that time is not now. And, honestly, we now have a big-ass attic and, as trauma responses go, "unwilling to further cull the book collection" is relatively benign, so I'm granting myself an Act of Grace for the time being on this one.
Impressive, Tom! Just, please be careful. I get all anxious about long covid biting my friends in the ass, and I want everyone's ass thoroughly unbitten by long covid
I'm overly cautious and just want to mention that it's never a bad idea after having Covid, no matter how mild the symptoms, to get a checkup to make sure your heart and lungs are behaving properly. (Mostly, I just want all my people to be well, so I'll just make suggestions in lieu of physically dragging people to the doctor.)
Good morning? Do y’all have the day off? I do not but my client does. Hard to buckle down and do some work here, though I know I need to.
Good morning! I have the day off since it's officially summer break (YAY!!!), but I am going to school to start unpacking my disaster of a new classroom. I like to nest.
I do not have the day off. The company's observance is screening a movie tomorrow at the other office. Really not interested in working today, and the ERP is not letting me in so I can't actually do much of anything other than try over and over to open that up...
None of my practices are closed today so I am having a typical Monday. Although the day is looking up. It was 39F when I left for the gym this morning, and it is up to 75 now! So I really want to stop working and go sit on the dock in the sun.
Do y’all have the day off? I do not but my client does. Hard to buckle down and do some work here, though I know I need to.
Same -- the AMA is closed, but I still have work to do, and I'm procrastinating big time.
Happy Belated birthday Plei.
No day off for me...for the first time since Dec 12.
First day going ok. Almost done. The ac hasn't worked right in a few days and there are 2 companies that might be responsible and neither one wants to fix it/replace it.
Also found out a bunch if managers quit because of Darren who was the store manager when I left. I saw that coming because he was making them work 11-14 hour days
I have the day off and after a brief morning bit of activity I went back to bed until noon. I stayed up way too late last night scrolling the internet.
I have the day off, but I'm working for the non-profit I work for, because OMG this spreadsheet is a fucking mess, and I have to sort it out before I can upload it to the donor/donation tracking system.
Night. Mare.
The ED, bless her heart, does not yet know that what she did to the spreadsheet I laid out for her is costing a butt ton of time (that I don't really have, frankly) to rectify. Argh.
On the other hand, it's a gorgeous day out. Not that I'm, you know, out.