Happy Askye birthday!
Happy Wedding, JenP and DH! And lovely dresses both ceremony and after!
I'm glad the zoom is set up so you and Mr. S can see each other, Sheryl.
Tom, I hope you're feeling better.
Laura, I kinda feel like I need to see a pic of the converted wineglass/pot rack. It's fun hearing about your work on the Otter Lake house.
And honestly, someone good at it should write the saga of the Zmayhems and their moving castles. With illustrations!
Rory is committing crimes! Of being deliciously cute!
He IS deliciously cute!! Maybe he and his friend Mac have a buddy crime solving thing without me and mac’s mom!
It is Happy Birthday to Cass day! May it be a great day filled with joy and treats, and may the year to come bring so much happiness.
Woo! Happy Birthday, Cass!
The smoke alarm started beeping at 2AM. Not going off, just low battery beeping. I am so tired.
I hate that! Mine went off in the middle of the night the other week, and that is so shocking! I'm glad there was no fire or anything, but come on, man.
Happy birthday, Cass!
One of Emmett's friends slept over (after they all celebrated the Warriors win) so Garrett got put to work, rolling out the new rug.
Which sounds kind of easy and straightforward but what happened was: moved all furniture and boxes off Tulip rug (already in the living room), roll it up, lay down pad unroll rug, put couch and boxes back; then move all of the furniture out of the drinking parlor, laid down pad, unrolled new Wm. Morris rug, moved furniture back in.
Phew. Anyway, Garrett received a nylon bomber jacket that I impulse bought during a big online sale then decided I didn't need.
I also had E&K +Garrett unload two boxes of dishes and glassware, and put them in the cabinets. Now I have boxes and packing materials (paper, bubblewrap) to return to the house for further packing.
But now I'm taking a breather so I can procure the essential Third Coffee.