I am in love with the bathroom wallpaper and the living room rug. The fox doorknocker is wonderful, but had I a door--or best, a double door--worthy of a doorknocker I'd want the pair from Labyrinth. They don't actually have to talk but it would be neat if they did.
Pix, the dragons and jackalopes print fabric is great too! I know they're expensive, but I *love* Spoonflower. I could just wallow in all the "atomic" MCM prints alone.
Dana, quick--wish for a zillion dollars, see if your luck holds!
Epic, all the easy times and quick healing thoughts to you.
meara, glad you had a wonderful dance time away, and holding thumbs your masking and immunity stood you in good stead.
Sheryl, not-terrible days are good!
Laura, that's high praise for a bunch of large, loud teenaged boys!
msbelle, had I a flamethrower, I would lend it to you.
In me news, H is recovering quickly and efficiently, the way he does most things, from the slight stroke he had a couple weeks back. He is not, however, and will not be for a couple more months, at least, cleared to drive. Which puts him at my mercy, mwah ha ha!!
n me news, H is recovering quickly and efficiently, the way he does most things, from the slight stroke he had a couple weeks back.
Oy! That's not on! I'm glad he's healing up but we can't be having brain short circuits!
Continued rapid recovery ~ma for H. Take that wheel, mama!
Stuff is in a huge 26' Pensky truck. Alas, not everything fits, so I'll cram as much as possible in my car. DH will have dog in front seat of truck and I'll have cats. Beginning the trip sometime today. When those duckies finally line up.
Beverly, I hope H had a quick and easy recovery. I’m so sorry to hear about the stroke.
Hec, I love everything about the new decor, and I’m going to have to visit some day just to have one of your cocktails there.
Laura, you are juggling so many balls! I would be a wreck.
Hec, I love everything about the new decor, and I’m going to have to visit some day just to have one of your cocktails there.
I would love to have you both over for cocktails!
Today is Matilda's last day of school, finishing her Sophomore year. Considering the entirety of Freshman year was spent on Zoom, this year was a vast improvement.
She gets exactly two days off, and starts her summer job on Monday. Her boyfriend leaves for Texas on Friday (staying with his mother for a month), so that's going to put a damper on her summer fun.
And the movers are coming today. These are the movers that will take all the furniture and stuff we have in storage at a friend's house nearby and take it to the new house. It's a mix of stuff that we bought at the White Elephant Sale (the Vanity, the Cabinet with the secretary), the vintage bed frames we bought, and all the stuff we had offloaded from our apartment previously.
So the new house will be full of stuff but not habitable yet, since we're awaiting new mattresses which will arrive next week. Some time next week there will be a second round of moving as we take stuff out our apartment and move it over to the new house, whilst moving Emmett in over here.
I'm glad we don't have to make it all happen in one day, but it will make things very cattywampus for the next couple weeks.
Glad to hear your DH is recovering well, Beverly! Best wishes to you both.
Laura good luck!!
Healing vibes to DH Bev!
Hec that sounds chaotic but like awesome forward momentum as well!
My company sent out a Pride thing and the message is fine (the theme is “love the science of you”??) but the graphic is hideous and unreadable. Ah well.
BevDog! Oh no, poor DH. Love snd healing.
ION - I am having a pissy day at work and people can F off.
All day training is keeping me from being vocally belligerent, so that’s good.