msbelle I'm so sorry. I don't really knit and haven't been active in any yarn stuff but if I poke a round and see some things that are reportable I will report (but not engage).
Sj- we love you and I'm glad TCG will be there. Be kind and gentle to yourself.
Ugh, my day has been 11-11:50 talk to the lawyer, 12:10 to 1:10 ish have my therapy appointment. Somewhere around 1:20 until after 2 (with a short break) talk to the worker's comp case manager. I was feeling like I needed some advice and perspective so I texted my brother and he called me and took time out of his really busy day to talk to me and that just wrapped up.
this is the last time (well except for the text I have to send the case manager and going to physical therapy tomorrow) that I'm going to discuss or try to think about anything related to worker's comp. It was honestly really good to talk to my brother so that was actually a highlight.
That is a lot, askye. Taking a break from it seems wise
He’s still hanging on and ltc still
Wants to say goodbye. So we’re headed out now. I don’t know if I’m making the right decision or not.
I don't think it's a wrong decision, fwtw. {{sj}}
Thinking of you epic!
sj, I don't think there really are right or wrong decisions in these instances. You know ltc, and you know yourself. Do what you feel you need to do.
Thanks. Mom is mad and doesn’t think we should come, which is probably what is making me indecisive.
He’s still hanging on and ltc still Wants to say goodbye. So we’re headed out now. I don’t know if I’m making the right decision or not.
I'm glad you can say goodbye. It's difficult to lose our loved ones but it is a part of life.
It's a decision you have to make for you and ltc. You are the one who knows what is best for your emotional well being.