You know how you wake up in the middle of the night and try to remember the dream you were just having, so you try to repeat a phrase so it will stick in your mind?
Just me? (Kind of curious -- is it just me?)
Anyway, I woke up this morning and the only thing I remembered was "cat Tinder." But 5AM me thought it was very funny.
I do that and it rarely if ever works. Often I will not even remember the phrase, just that I was trying to remember one. “Cat Tinder” is a pretty funny concept, though
I finally read over the contract for the lawyer, that contract isn't something I feel comfortable signing as much as i would like the help. There are too many variables when it comes to fees and such and I am not going to end up in situation where I'm going to owe money because of CorVel no matter how much I wish I could burn them to the ground for being assholes/
I deleted my previous post I wrote when I was angry since it kind of contradicts what I said in the seecond and I 've kind of decided.
I just want some kind of break you something to go where I dont' feel like i'm just constantly fighting for the just a small amount of ..something.
Busy day today. ltc had the opening parade for softball this morning, then tested for (and earned!) her yellow belt in karate, and now we’re at her first softball game.
Go ltc! That is a busy day. Well done.
She loved the softball game. They're not scoring the games at this level. They play three innings, every kid gets to bat either by coach pitching or off the t, each kid bats every inning and runs to base. It was adorable watching them all try to figure out what they were supposed to be doing.
Yay for the good news, JenP!
sj, while it's maybe kind of weird to be grateful for something like hospice given the circumstances that necessitate it, I was thankful that I was able to be present for my cousin's passing a few years ago and that he got to go in peaceful surroundings with loved ones gathered around him.