so almost 4 days after the wreck, with me doing a conference call, finally get mac on with the insurance to start a claim. I find out the following:
- it was a 3 car accident
- he was the third car involved, but hit a car from behind, so I am not clear on how he is not at fault
- he has a girlfriend
- very likely radiator smashed, so very likely totaled.
Now as far as his car goes, I've had mine for 2-1/2 years and love it dearly.
Yeah, my next car will be electric, and Tesla is off the list for me.
Understandable. I'm sorry.
sorry about your papa, sj. I'm glad you got to see him. Hugs to you and ltc.
Thanks, Vortex. ltc definitely needs those hugs tonight. We had a long discussion tonight about death, and it’s just so hard to explain to a 6 year old.
Ah hab a code 'n mah node.
First one in four years.
Do not want.
(Covid-19 home test result was negative.)
Feel better, dcp.
Mom wants me to stay home and rest today, and she’s probably right. I’m exhausted because I’m not used to the hour driving back and forth, and I have to take ltc to karate today and then do the bedtime routine with her because TCG has another meeting tonight. There is definitely clean up and such that can be done at home if I can find the motivation. Papa doesn’t rest when I’m there either. He tries to stay awake for me. I still feel useless and lonely being home.
Try to view it as talking care of yourself and your family if you can. It's a hard situation.
Thanks, Dana. I probably should have just gone because I'm not very good at being alone right now.