Much nocovid~ma to all who might have been exposed.
Meanwhile, here, still no news about Batcat (she is still alive, still not eating, still very frightened. I'm waiting to hear from the vet about today's blood count and general test to determine what's next for her. Options are her coming home to see if she recovers and eats there, or the end of the road).
In non sick cat news, we will have another elections in 2021 and the government is once again falling apart and we are approaching another lockdown. Who needs a functioning government in the middle of a pandemic?
Shir, look at what the U.S. has done without a (fully) functioning government!
Oh, wait . . . .
I have Zoom group therapy today. I’m hoping it goes better this week. It’s a different therapist this time because they switch off every other week.
Two of my friends from college who are healthcare workers have already gotten the first shot, per Facebook. Seems like a good sign that it's getting distributed to that group pretty quickly, which is good.
Sending a Christmas themed flower arrangement to the parents today. "On the first day of quarantine our daughter sent to us, some flowers to acknowledge that this sucks."
I am welcoming ideas for other things I can send. BONUS, throwing some business to Anaheim stores close to them!
Zoom group therapy sounds hard.
I also have multiple friends posting their vaccine selfies. I am jealous!
"On the first day of quarantine our daughter sent to us, some flowers to acknowledge that this sucks."
Aw. I'll try to think of something. I don't know Anaheim other than Disney and Knot's Berry Farm but maybe I can come up with something general that you can find local...
So I am still the owner of two live cats (for now). Going to get Batcat back home because she's not eating at the vet's. Hopefully she'll eat at home, and that the inflammation will get better, and then we will be able to see how much damage there is to her stomach and if she has more than a few weeks/months to live. I know there are a lot of if there, but cats, man. Cats.
But for now, I'm bringing my baby back home. And apologizing a lot for the suffer I've caused her. So for now, I am happy. Thank you for the ~ma, and please continue - it's obviously working.
{{{Shir}}} Continued ~ma for Batcat.
~ma for everyone dealing with Covid-19 fears right now.
Group therapy went better today. This therapist was much more in control of things and better able to get people talking. Without as many uncomfortable silences, the mansplainer did not feel the need to mansplain. So, I accomplished that and two onerous phone calls and now I feel done. Except I still have a ton of wrapping to do...