Sounds like it was caught early, and treatment at that stage is quite successful. In my experience uteruses are more trouble than they are worth! It was clearly a poor design choice in evolution. Sending the most effective treatment ~ma.
What is the plural of uterus? My computer gives me red squiggles on that one.
Crosswords like uteri.
Epic, same thing for me 14 years ago. Happy to talk about anything anytime if you'd like. Of course, everyone's case is different, but, camaraderie and all that. Health vibes your way.
FWIW, I rejoiced when I had my uterus out. Bypassing the "feminine hygiene products" aisle at the grocery store each week still gives me a thrill.
Hope any needed treatment goes smoothly and recovery is easy, Epic!
Crosswords like uteri.
Ah, that looks better. I haven't had the occasion to use that plural previously!
I was watching someone on TV asking "men on the street" about women's anatomy. When asked about a woman's uterus and how many a woman would have, the answers ranged from two to four ... and, honestly, sometimes one is more than enough.
I have to clean the kitchen before I can leave for the weekend - going to hear Eileen Ivers in Mount Vernon, with required stops at the Co-op and a drive out to Pelican Bay Books - and this seems excessive.
Have fun! Say hi to the Co-op for me!
FWIW, I rejoiced when I had my uterus out. Bypassing the "feminine hygiene products" aisle at the grocery store each week still gives me a thrill.
Yes, I had visions of throwing out all the panties with stains that are set aside for "that time of the month" and never buying another pad in my life!
honestly, sometimes one is more than enough.
Every woman I know who has had a hysterectomy absotively recommends it. I guess it'll be a jump start from peri- to for real's menopause, but I sorta doubt I'll miss it.
Everybody I missed, hugs and vibes!
Timelies all!
Yep, one uterus is more than enough.(No particular problems here, just annoying.)
Family note: My mom had two (not discovered until one of them filled up with gigantic fibroids and she needed a hysterectomy, upon completing which they discovered the second one hiding behind the first). Not a fan, does not recommend.