it's gotta SUCK to be such a shitty "church" that the news does an investigative story on you and they find so much dirt that they make it a 5-night series.
For real. I haven’t seen a multi-day news series like that since Rachel Maddox covered the Flint water crisis. And that involved a state government poisoning tens of thousands of people.
Yeah, what Hec has to say abut the FAC.
Signing contracts on house sale tonight. Agreed to a price. Quick timeline. 10 days for inspection, close March 23rd. May all be smooth with the various hoops. Yeah, I have to do some serious purging and packing too.
Signing contracts on house sale tonight.
That's so exciting, Laura!!!
Yeah, sure, it's been like 20 years since I was a part of the FAC, and if I were a bigger person, I wouldn't care about this, but I am not, in fact, a bigger person, and this is giving me LIFE. I can't even tell you how much.
{offers a fistbump of solidarity}
Laura, woohoo!
So happy for you, Laura!!!
Hugs to all who need them, including in person hugs for Drew when he gets home.
Signing contracts on house sale tonight. Agreed to a price. Quick timeline. 10 days for inspection, close March 23rd. May all be smooth with the various hoops
Right the fuck on! Here we go!
Congratulations, Laura!
And continued congrats to the Zmayhems! House-buying is super stressful, and there is more paper than you will ever be able to read. But in the long run it's so reassuring to have your very own place.
Went to lunch with a long-time fan friend today, who I hadn't seen since the before times. A place called Kitchen Story, which apparently has a SF location too? Absolutely killer brunch menu, with something they call "Millionaire Bacon", which was really great thick slabs of bacon with maple and spice on it. So good. Highly recommended if the Bayistas get a chance.
In other news I managed to figure out how to get my macbook and my Dell to talk to one another, so I can move all my music to the Dell and run it as a music server, instead of streaming audio all the time.