My coping mechanism today seems to be to eat all the things. How does that help? No clue.
I got my second shingles shot today.
Congrats on new job!
Congrats on housing starts and closes.
Boo ear infection. Seems like tele-visit should be allowed for that.
I got my second shingles shot today.
Oh man, I have a huge welt from my first shingles shot (that I got Wednesday morning). It's almost comical.
I often have the urge to get into the car and just drive to Oklahoma. It's not that far, and then I will have been to Oklahoma.
Have you not been to Oklahoma, Dana?
It's been a while since I had the urge to just drive away. I kind of could right now, pack up the cat and the laptop and go. Maybe that's why doing it is less appealing, I wouldn't be leaving anything behind.
I've had the impulse to abandon my job, my apartment, everything, and just (as they say) light out for the territories. But I am (dammit) a grown-up and too old to start over.
For ltc - try a heating pad or something warm. I had constant infections (ear, sinus, throat) and warmth would help the ears.
I have never been to Oklahoma. I wonder how long it takes to get to Arkansas from here, where I have also never been.
I never have the impulse to run away, because I already ran to the one place I want to stay.
I do, periodically, have the impulse to hunker down and not leave San Francisco though.
Just talked to our Realtor and he squeezed $15k out of the seller to deal with the undocumented HVAC issues. We're about two weeks from the close of Escrow and we've been warned the lenders will want ridiculous amounts of documentation about every little thing and there will be so many things to sign.
But we are still on glide path for landing [knock wood] so far.
Am I remembering right that you are in Houston, Dana? That doesn't seem terribly far to either OK or AR, although driving 5 miles to get lunch DOES seem pretty far right now so I am no judge of distance
Dallas now. Many hours closer to both OK and AR.