Raspberry + chocolate is one of my favorite flavor combos.
Yo tambien. There used to be a place in LA called Santa Barbara Ice Cream Company, and they had a machine which mixed ice cream together with whatever you wanted. Sort of like the Boston shops where they mix it up on a marble counter for you but here a machine did it. Anyway, I always got their dark chocolate which they would mix with fresh raspberries which would be thoroughly smushed and incorporated through the ice cream. So good - and I've never had anything else quite exactly like their combo.
Well done, dcp, and benignity~ma!
Ooh, that sounds good, Hec. Fresh raspberries are so dang delicious and even more so with dark chocolate. I should source some dried raspberries to go in my trail mix next time I make some, I don't recall seeing that at TJ's
Eek, DCP! Good luck!
TJs definitely has freeze dried raspberries but don’t remember seeing dried ones. But maybe!
Oh, they do? Excellent, will look out for those next time.
Springtime (or impending springtime) is time for a new cherry skirt, right? [link]
You absolutely need a new cherry skirt!
I really need my sister to get moved to rehab. I've been here a week and really need to go home. My body hurts from bad hospital chairs and the lack of my own bed. They are looking for a spot somewhere and doctor really wants to get her out of here. All she does is sleep all day and rehab won't let her get away with that crap. She can't go home as limited as her mobility is right now. Ugh.
Oh, that's a good one, Tep!
Sorry the move to rehab is not going smoothly, Laura. Hope it happens soon!
Springtime (or impending springtime) is time for a new cherry skirt, right? [link]
You need that skirt!
I, in fact, ordered that skirt!