Good for you for standing up for yourself, askye.
I'm waiting for ltc's teacher to respond to an email I sent her. One of the boys in her class continues to be a problem, and he is putting his hands on her without her permission (pushing down her shoulder etc) and telling her "too bad" when she tells him that she does not like that. Not acceptable at all, and I want to talk to her teacher about what can be done about it.
Looks like it is done snowing here. Seven inches piled up on my balcony rail. The last time we had that much snow it was February 2013.
After two negative tests Matilda was allowed to go back to school today.
JZ just ran out to do errands for an hour so I made myself another batch of sick soup, ate it, put away the leftovers, put all the things I touched into sink and rinsed them, then wiped down the counters with 409. (Even though I rationally know there's no fomite transmission, it just felt better).
I'm definitely feeling better and it never really got that bad. So we'll see how much the nose is running after the Allegra wears off and I'll take a test tomorrow. I think I should be past it by Sat/Sun [knock wood].
We're still dealing with multiple little dotted "i" requirements and "t" crossing with the mortgage people.
(Not minus-T crossing, though I would like to cross her path soonish, on the other side of health.)
I'm thinking after two vax shots, a booster, Omicron and a fourth shot (next month?) I should be ready to swim through a vat of COVID with my mouth open. Not that I'll tempt it, but I am starting to look at traveling again.
I'm thinking after two vax shots, a booster, Omicron and a fourth shot (next month?) I should be ready to swim through a vat of COVID with my mouth open. Not that I'll tempt it, but I am starting to look at traveling again.
You could vacation in the hottest of Covid hotspots! (Based on the NYT map, that seems to be...Kentucky. Which is 100% unsurprising.)
Hey, Tennessee has been holding its own as a COVID hotspot lately, too! (Yay? Ugh.)
My free COVID tests via USPS finally arrived today along with my order of KF94 masks.
I'll be hopping on public transit later for a salon appointment. Rght now I'm doing everything BUT work on my performance evaluation, which is due on Tuesday. I'm taking tomorrow off and I have Monday off as a holiday, so Future Me is going to be very unhappy come Tuesday morning.
I come today to find my fellow Internet Olds: there is a Vanity Fair cover out today with Nicole Kidman, and it's a ridiculous feat of photoshop, and I saw someone saying it just looks like her head is pasted on, and all I could think was HER HED IS PASTEDE ON YAY, but who even remembers that ancient lore??
You people, I hope.
I assure you that I remember CrystalWank.