Good call, msbelle.
I have approximately one million meetings today. OK, three. But it feels like a lot. My team has been assigned to run a new monthly meeting (each of us runs one, is the idea) starting this week and it went from being 1:1 with the demand planner to being attended by the new Planning Director and the VP of Supply Chain Operations and it is stressing me out.
Excellent plan, msbelle. May the day progress smoothly.
I'm propped up in bed with a laptop wearing the robe I got for xmas (Emmett: "It looks like the kind of robe that's hanging up on the back door of at a room at somebody's Tahoe lodge, and the dad just leaves it there and it's the Dad Robe." It's a blue plaid).
Sore throat is a bit more sore but no trouble swallowing. It's manifesting in head and throat mostly, with lotsa snot.
I indulged myself by renting The French Dispatch and watching it on the laptop last night.
JZ and Matilda have to take the Guinea pigs in for their vet appointment. They have worrisome lumps.
Sore throat is a bit more sore but no trouble swallowing. It's manifesting in head and throat mostly, with lotsa snot.
I know this is anecdotal, but everyone I know who's gotten Omicron (including Tim and me) had the buckets of snot for a few to a several days, a minor sore throat, and headaches. No respiratory involvement, which is actually fantastic. It seems to be pretty easy to ride out, as long as you have a ton of kleenex.
I indulged myself by renting The French Dispatch and watching it on the laptop last night.
How did you like it? Feel better.
Guinea pigs~ma.
Hmm good to know re omicron symptoms.
I am annoyed because I have now lost two evenings in a row—Monday night because insomnia only got me 4 hours of sleep the night before and I was woozy and went to bed early and last night a migraine! Grump grump grump. I got a box of blue apron and didn’t have the energy to start it, nor have I gotten to play with my new pressure washer!
~ma for the guinea pigs! And more health~ma for you, Hec. I hope you kept your sense of taste!
Hmm good to know re omicron symptoms.
I should say that everyone I know *who was vaccinated* who got Omicron got the buckets of snot. I don't know about people who weren't vaccinated. I feel comfortable saying that, comparing getting Covid in 2022, post-vaccination, with getting Covid in 2021, before vaccines were available, the difference is HUGE. In retrospect, I think we were a lot sicker in 2021 than I assumed we were. It really demonstrates that vaccines are absolutely effective in their goal of preventing severe illness. If the vaccine can make Covid an inconvenience rather than a potentially disabling or deadly illness, then I say bring on the needles.
I know this is anecdotal, but everyone I know who's gotten Omicron (including Tim and me) had the buckets of snot for a few to a several days, a minor sore throat, and headaches. No respiratory involvement, which is actually fantastic. It seems to be pretty easy to ride out, as long as you have a ton of kleenex.
That's exactly how it's going so far.
How did you like it?
Love it! Second viewing for me. We saw it in theaters pre-Omicron. Very different seeing it up close on a laptop. Lots of details I'm picking up.
Love it! Second viewing for me. We saw it in theaters pre-Omicron. Very different seeing it up close on a laptop. Lots of details I'm picking up.
Us too! I definitely need to rewatch because even as I was watching it in the theater I knew I was missing a ton of details. I was expecting it to get more award nominations.