I think I am starting to really feel the impact of working on mostly Holocaust related materials since February 2020
I believe it, Shir. I worked for an international healthcare organization during the height of Ebola, and even though my job was in an office in Boston, it was still brutal! It's a lot to carry with you, even if it's not directly affecting you.
I'm sorry M's mom is being unreasonable about your choice, askye. Your whole living situation seems pretty fraught and difficult and not because you are making it that way, and I'm sorry you have to deal with it.
What -t Said!
Since my job is on a slightly off cycle, I am only just now avoiding writing my self evaluation. I have started on some peer evaluations, though! And I'm strategically putting off writing my team's evaluations. Good times.
Oh, HELL no, shrift.
If they're doing something this stupid, I'm thinking looking for a new place, even if you're able to opt out, might be a good plan.
If they're doing something this stupid, I'm thinking looking for a new place, even if you're able to opt out, might be a good plan.
Yeah, I may have to start looking around for what's available this weekend. I'm waiting until I calm down to write up a response listing my concerns and requesting to opt out.
Y'all, after earlier discussion, I just made pizza for dinner and it is DELISH. Sourdough crust I made a couple of weeks ago and froze, a truly half-assed tomato sauce I just made, and sliced onions, black olives from a can, and pepperoni.
Also? I got a prescription for sleep last month, but it's actually an antidepressant, and I think it's working! On both fronts, honestly.
Timelies all!
Trying to figure out how to keep Mr. S amused this weekend by myself when it's going to be in the 30's during the day. Watching Netflix all weekend isn't it.(Never mind that the stuff he watches makes me feel like my brains are dribbling out of my ears...)