^^^^That was not a dramatic post that I decided to delete because of its contents. I literally had just scrolled to the bottom of the screen so quickly that I blew past the "First"/"Last"/etc buttons, saw the "Post Message" button below the (EMPTY) post post, and clicked it.
In my defense, I didn't know we could post empty posts. Further in my defense, I am so goddamn tired. Plus loopy on migraine meds. I want to finish editing this article and go to bed until Memorial Day.
I'm sorry you are tired and loopy, but I'm glad to know what happens if we post an empty box!
And I appreciate the explanation so I don't have to wonder what I missed
I've posted empty posts a number of times because my mind interprets the Post Message button as Read New. Then I edit the thing to say some nonsense.
That was not a dramatic post that I decided to delete because of its contents.
Don't lie, you know you were going to start the great Tomato Sauce War of 2022.
Ahem...The Great Tomato Sauce KERFUFFLE of 2022.
Well, at least olives aren't involved.
I bet some people put olives in tomato sauce
(waits for the great muffalatta/olive debate to start ... again)
I bet some people put olives in tomato sauce
And those people would be wrong.