If the FDA approved it but the CDC hasn't recommended it, does that mean that Walgreens and clinics and such aren't offering it to 12- to 15-year-olds yet?
It means we can't make an appointment online yet because the cutoff in their system is still set at 16 y.o. The systems just have to catch up.
Getting hamstrung by red tape is so damn annoying.
Boo red tape.
I have done about 30 minutes worth of work today and read the internet and watched tiktok while laying in bed with a heating pad. I’m not sick, I’m just so blaaaaah. Languishing and whatnot. Really need to get my shit together but…eh.
I did call two of the three places I needed to though, so that’s good? One is my dentist—they canceled my appointment for today which is probably good because omicron, but also I already had postponed it, snd suspect I have a cracked tooth. But I made an appointment for a consult about grinding my teeth and possibly getting Botox for it. Fingers crossed it might help. Pricey but it would be worth it if it works.
Timelies all!
Happy B+1, shrift!
Mr.S's school decided to extend winter break a few days, and set up a testing center on Sunday. Results are not complete yet, so they're doing asynchronous learning tomorrow. This will be interesting, as the nanny will have to work with Mr. S on that. (Both Gary and I are going to work in-person tomorrow)
Our high school is remote again tomorrow, but offering the option for students to attend classes remotely from the cafeteria or library, which is good because Dylan is going a little batshit being stuck in the house. So he'll be in the library in a KN95.
Aeryn is 11 today but not in the mood to be fussed over, so we're keeping it very low key plus cake and presents. (Her "party" will be 2 friends over on Saturday. Probably masked and possibly rapid-tested on arrival.)
Happy Aeryn day!
t /not fussing
ETA: huh, what did I do wrong?
OK, that's two days in a row working a full day. I think that's plenty for a while. Five is way too much.
I am so sorry askye.
Hoping Laura is recovering quickly and painlessly.
Hoping doggo is nothing much, pix.
Everyone else in the omicron of it all, calm and negative tests for you all.
I am drowning in work and unable to focus on doing much. Rant ahead: Our health department, which is where we have directed people to for months to get quarantine guidelines and the specifics on when to test if exposed, stopped giving out that info at at least one number (the number I had been giving out) and directed employees to email an email box that I alone monitor. Some people at Health seemed to be under the impression that because OHR sets policy on when people can return to work that we should be the ones giving that out?!?! The return to work policy is “when you have completed the health dept directed quarantine time AND are symptom free ”. We still need them to give out the medically determined quarantine times! And that only covers people who have tested and are positive. I am not about to start giving out medical advise. My boss is also about to lose her mind dealing with them.
This is on top of me alone being the person reviewing religious accommodation requests. No guidance on if I can not approve anyone. NO GUIDANCE. Just 70+ forms of wakkadoos to read through and check for signatures, I guess.
I can’t really even talk about it, but I so sympathize, Msbelle. Our students need to have PCR tests before they come to orientation tomorrow. They don’t have to be negative. Before break they said they could get them here. Today they need to get them on their own. Nine out of 73 students have them. Did I mention they need them to attend tomorrow?
Oh msbelle that sounds awful! Much sympathy
My work is not at all interesting in its onerousness, it’s just…every year as the pressure builds during the Xmas shopping season we all naturally think “in January I’ll be able to breathe again” and then we get to January and hahahanope. I feel like this probably happens every year and I just forget.
I’m sorry, Sophia, WHAT?! None of that makes sense. What a mess.