but the GOP could take back the House come November.
I've seen some analysis that because of GOP Gerrymandering, even if everybody that voted DEM in 2020 did the same in 2022, the GOP would still win the House. So I think the GOP have already locked in that bit of ratfuckery.
Timelies all!
Congrats to your family, Cindy! Going back a bit, normally conventions have a fair bit of kids' programming, Worldcons especially. There had been a lot of chaos around this con, and kids' programming was added at practically the last minute.
First house people were a bust. Husband liked it but wifey rejected it outright. Realtor said she was super fussy and really would only settle for brand new. Second guy was the one we have high hopes for, and as it happened several boats with water skiers went by while he was here. He absolutely wants to be on this lake. I had a nice feel for him because he arrived in a t-shirt and casual shorts and wore a mask as he approached the house. (I spy on people via my ring doorbell) He was here for a long time, then kept the realtor on the phone for a good 15 minutes after asking neighborhood type questions after he left. He is from Toronto and would be seasonal. My next door neighbor is also from there and seasonal. Digits crossed.
Hec, here is your adulting badge!
I wear it proudly.
Wonderful news, Cindy! That's so exciting.
David yay for the adulting! Cindy congrats on the family happiness engagement. Laura hope your house sells.
I talked to the lawyer again, got some more info. I'm waiting until at least the first week of Jan to touch base with him again. I sent a summary email to the HR lead about everything going on. But today I sent another email going - is there anyone above the store level who can help with this? I haven't received any payments from worker's comp and at the rate I've been getting updates from them it will probably Jan 10 before I get a reply to my email.
I did end up taking a nap today but I also took medicine for nausea that made me sleepy. However I didn't sleep that much and yesterday even though I slept in really late I was able to go to bed and sleep through the night. and no naps yesterday. So that's improvement.
Cindy, there's a gap in vital stats here, and they didn't start requiring births to be registered until 1908. Anything between 1877-1908 was registered after the fact. So for whatever reason, it may not have gotten registered. Perhaps it was your grandmother's baptismal records, which might have been the only thing they had, that got lost in the explosion. [link]
My oldest son is engaged to be married. I think they might be booking their wedding for October 2022, but that's not yet final.
Congratulations to them and best wishes!
He'll only be 26 in January, which past-me would have said feels young, but they've been together since their senior year in college and we just love her. We also love them together. They work. So we're just thrilled.
That's really wonderful. Especially as they work well together which is often overlooked and so important. Good happy news.
I also marked the mask post.
My MRI today was cancelled which was a rebook from the first appointment they also cancelled. Different location tomorrow (with four machines instead of one) so hopefully it'll happen.
Anyone have a vegan cookie recipe they'd recommend? The more straighforward the better.