I love it when a higher up schedules a recurring meeting with no explanation and at the first one says "I want this to be a conversation" and the silence is deafening because we were not prepared for a conversation, we did not know what this meeting was for, we were feeling pretty good about showing up at all and he says a couple of times "I don't expect a power point presentation" like I think he's joking but maybe not? Really great for that whole I-don't-know-what-my-job-actually-is feeling I have going on.
But two days in a row with no interruptions to our regular processes, knock on wood, so things are looking up!
Ha, guess whose family member has been diagnosed with covid after our Thanksgiving gathering? It's mild, and they already sent her for the antiviral infusion. All the rest of us were boostered, and she wasn't yet because her doctor told her to get her flu shot first. So I'm not worried. But I do wish I'd known before going into the office this morning.
And then I had to explain the game to my entire extended family (along with Whamageddon) because apparently this is not as common a thing as I thought it was.
But all my blinvisible friends on the glowy screen know about it...
Ugh, Dana,
Booster shot powers activate, Dana!
You have my sympathies, Dana. My niece went back to school yesterday and thus far nobody else in the family has tested positive. Luck be with you, and yay boosters.
My niece went back to school yesterday and thus far nobody else in the family has tested positive
Yeah, I'm grabbing your "no other infections" karma.
I have picked up and sorted my clothes and found both jackets and all three missing shirts.
Also, Robyn Hitchcock HQ replied promptly and my order will be fixed today.
It's amazing what you can find.
A brief seasonal video. And a season greeting from the Norwegian Post Office (in - surprise! - Norwegian, with English subtitles.
I am jumping ahead 50 posts. anyone on IG who is a knitter or crocheter, my brother is live on IG right now gary_knits_gary_rides. talking giveaways and make-a-longs.
even if you aren't a knitter/crocheter and want to watch, sure why not.
Timelies all!
Am torn whether to record "Beebo Saves Christmas". One the one hand, Beebo. On the other hand, Xmas...