Mal: Ready? Zoe: Always.


Natter 77: I miss my friends. I miss my enemies. I miss the people I talked to every day.  

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, butt kicking, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

shrift - Nov 26, 2021 8:09:23 am PST #10892 of 30000
"You can't put a price on the joy of not giving a shit." -Zenkitty

Yikes, Cash.

I don't know how my aunt would've preferred to break the news, and I am hoping that her husband knows her better than I do, but I am questioning how he forced her. I don't know. Everyone has their own way of processing grief, so I'm trying to let it be. The panini hasn't made us LESS weird, after all.

Dana - Nov 26, 2021 8:16:10 am PST #10893 of 30000
"I'm useless alone." // "We're all useless alone. It's a good thing you're not alone."

I am once again glad and very lucky that my family gatherings, though loud and chaotic, are generally free of drama.

JenP - Nov 26, 2021 8:16:53 am PST #10894 of 30000

I'm sorry for the news, shrift, and sending good vibes for treatability to your aunt.

How are you this morning, askye? Comfortably resting, I hope.

I just ordered my/our "forever" Christmas tree, which should be here by the 10th. That's the big Black Friday purchase for me. I should probably look for some more ornaments, though. Eh. Not right now.

DavidS - Nov 26, 2021 8:21:07 am PST #10895 of 30000
"Look, son, if it's good enough for Shirley Bassey, it's good enough for you."

So, happy Pie-for-Breakfast Day!

That's what I'll be having!

Our Thanksgiving went very well. EM brought over this fantastic sweet potato and pomegrate dish, and two gorgeous/delicious pies. Emmett's girlfriend, Kalena, joined us, and he's going to do an Extra After Thanksgiving with her mom on Saturday, so they're getting more serious. Their third anniversary (of living together) is coming up in February. I guess if your relationship can survive a pandemic lockdown it must have something going for it.

Matilda and I spent most of Monday and Tuesday cleaning up the kitchen and living room. This mostly entailed (as you would expect from Buffistas) sorting through piles of books and graphic novels and figuring out which ones could go into storage for the nonce. Six boxes of books got carted off and I suddenly had a table to work with.

I started cooking yesterday and that definitely makes things less frantic on the Day Of. JZ scrubbed down the entire kitchen including a manky corner behind our narrow cookbook cabinet (that we had to move out of the kitchen to make room for everybody).

People arrived hungry so we gobbled up cocktail shrimp and JZ's spanikopita. The only snag was that the oven was making the entire apartment too hot, but I had the genius idea to just move the socializing out to the back porch, where we had a cool breeze and much champagne and lots of chatter, natter and laughter.

The shrimp cocktail was the only portion of Shrimpsgiving I actually managed to effectuate, but that means I've got Cocoanut shrimp in the fridge, plus extra shrimp to cook with my green beans.

This will probably be our last Thanksgiving in the kitchen, after 25 years of Christmas Eve and Turkey Day dinners. By next year, we should be in a house, and Emmett and Kalena will be in this apartment.

DavidS - Nov 26, 2021 8:21:40 am PST #10896 of 30000
"Look, son, if it's good enough for Shirley Bassey, it's good enough for you."

I should probably look for some more ornaments

If only you had some Buffy ornaments lying around...

Laura - Nov 26, 2021 8:32:55 am PST #10897 of 30000
Our wings are not tired.

Pie for breakfast day sounds great. Mine was a pumpkin cheesecake muffin and leftover cauliflower mash. It was tasty.

Yikes, shrift, but your take is sound.

I hope you are following the doctor's orders and resting today, askye.

Yesterday was small but nice. Just my MIL and DH's siblings and our nephews. Alas, I was miserable from a UTI, but I coped. Today is drinking more water, I think I did at least 100 ounces yesterday, and bumming around. I didn't get out of jammies yet.

More than a bit melancholy because other friends' posts tagged my son and DIL in pictures of him at an old neighbors Thanksgiving feast along with my grandson, and her parents. I haven't heard from him or seen him since I got back to Florida in October, so since last June. He's also bigger than ever so clearly not listening to the cardiologist concerning losing weight after his TIAs. I will never understand what happened when we were so close, and the rest of the family doesn't get it either. Hoping he comes out of whatever it is at some point, but it is out of my control. Grandson's first birthday is Dec 15th, and at this point, I don't expect to hear from him.

JenP - Nov 26, 2021 10:04:26 am PST #10898 of 30000

If only you had some Buffy ornaments lying around...

My Zmayhem-gifted Buffy ornaments have primacy of placement! Buffy guards my tree, with the help of the Scoobies.

Oh, Laura, I am so sorry. That is beyond hard.

Laura - Nov 26, 2021 10:15:39 am PST #10899 of 30000
Our wings are not tired.

I may get a weeping angel tree topper. I have way too much in the way of Christmas decorations. I have mine collected for the last 40 years, plus I have all my mothers. Lots.

askye - Nov 26, 2021 10:35:31 am PST #10900 of 30000
Thrive to spite them

I just woke up. So update.

Do not go to ER around midnight on Thanksgiving. Gah it wasn't crowded just enough to make the wait long.

Looks like flashig lights triggered my first migraine. I got medicine for headache and nausea and had to see if that worked. Then was still dizzy and got meds and had to see if that worked. It did.

But then had to wait for the doctor. Then had to wait to get referral for GP since I don't have one here. Was nice they did that. Although I think the hospital group owns most of the practices around here.

I've been getting dizzy when I move my head up and down too much. I felt it at work but thought it would go away. I also get dizzy/vertigo when I'm tired. So ....have a Dr's note to return back to work on the 30th (which is my therapy day off so the 1st) unless my symptoms go away or get a lot better.

I'm really bad at judging how bad certain things are.

I called work. Don't know what I said exactly. Didn't talk to my manager. I did text her and got rely Get some Rest!!! And sorry you are feeling so bad.

I'm going tonstay away from screens as much as possible. Break out the coloring books and pencils and do that maybe crayons. And sleep.

My CT scan was really good last time and that with the flashing lights the dr didn't think I needed extra radiation for a CT scan.

If I don't feel better by Monday I'll call my Dr in Brevard and see about an appointment.

askye - Nov 26, 2021 10:45:21 am PST #10901 of 30000
Thrive to spite them

Shrift I hope your aunt has a good prognosis.

Laura that really sucks.

David and JZ glad yall are going to get a house and Emmett will have the apartment.

If I got something wrong sorry.

Thanks for all your encouragement to go to the ER. I may not have had a brain bleed but I did need reassurances and info about what was going on. And medicine.

Probably if anyone wants to reach me just message me on messenger .

I haven't told my parents or anything yet. I'll do that after a nap.