If anyone wants to read a compelling blog about why high school journalists need to start reporting on the laws being passed, check out this piece by my friend and mentor
If anything gives me hope for the future it is the increased activism I see among young people. And yes, there is nothing more important than stopping the voting restriction efforts and gerrymandering.
It is so discouraging to read the bad therapist recollections. You deserve the awesome caretakers, not the damaging variety.
The psychiatrist I saw who said "you don't have bipolar disorder, you have PTSD" was right but he was also an ass, made me cry, and I had anxiety attacks about seeing him. He was one of the only psychiatrists in the Burlington, VT area who was taking patients ...and his attitude is pretty much why.
IJWTS I am in email correspondence with someone named Sam Pace and her email address is therefore space@company.com and I am pretty jealous of how cool that is. Although I do still like my skart userid, it's no space
One of our staff people has the email address fyi-at-organization ... he gets a LOT of spam.
When I was a kid, and going through some very rough times, I got assigned to an old fashioned Freudian, who insisted my problem was that I hadn't accepted my female role (and the restrictions). I was stuck until my parents decided that enough was enough and yanked me away.
When I was in my teens and my mother's father - who lived with us - was physically and emotionally abusing me, my mother insisted that I was crazy, he'd never do any of that and hauled me off to a therapist. I'm pretty sure that she expected to be confirmed and could be justified in having me institutionalized ... only the therapist said that what I was describing was consistent with senile paranoia and that I was not the problem. sigh ....
Holy shit, Toddson. That's absolutely awful. I so hate that you had to endure that, and in awe that you survived, and I just want to reach back in time and wrap your teen self up in a blanket and have her curl up on our living room floor next to Matilda and her friend Mia, who will move heaven and earth to keep you safe (but at the moment they're both totally conked out, so teen you could sleep too and Hec and I will protect all of you).
Man, I'm sorry so many people have had such bad experiences. my own firing-a-therapist story is not nearly as dramatic or interesting!
We tried an Indian place a little further from home today, which is not good enough to make the return drive, but the guy was so impressed that we knew all of the food they had on offer, he took the mango lassi off our check.
Timelies all!
Had the day off, so I finally got around to buying a new computer.(my current desktop is an iMac from 2008) I ended up getting a MacBook Air. I need to figure out how to move some files to the new computer. I guess it’ll have to be a thumb drive, as the hard drive I was using for backups is dead. I need to buy an adapter set in order to do that…
A cute little turtle whispered in my ear this morning that it is Jessica's birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day filled with an abundance of treats.
Yay for new tech! Not sure what the Mac options are for transferring data, but thumb drives are a good option for general backup.
In Laura medical news doctor was pleased with my progress and dropped a couple of meds. Of course, being a freak of nature he wants more tests, but I'll do the ones I want and ignore the ones I think are excessive. Sometimes I think he orders a bunch knowing I am going to reject half of them.