and then I watched the film with the kind of country club rich dudes I hate making my skin crawl.
Yeah. Watching that right after reading Mexican Gothic gives me an idea for a horror movie though.
No, I don't want to be trapped on a boat with people like that.
It's a condo association of the super privileged.
Oooh, horror movie is a good idea!
Watching that right after reading Mexican Gothic gives me an idea for a horror movie though.
Btw, JZ is just finishing Mexican Gothic. (Which I gave to her on her birthday.)
Happy birthday to aurelia!! I hope you have a birthday filled with delights. May the year to come be all you hope for and more.
Also, wow! That looks like an awesome way to live but no doubt not in my budget. (They are in Fort Lauderdale so I should pretend to be interested and get a tour) Ahhh. A couple options that DH sent me last night to look at - a 66' Alexander Pilot House - [link] and a 52' Hatteras [link] Putting the cart before the horse since nothing happens until we sell the house. He did talk to a broker we have known for many years about the requirements so when the time comes we'll let him find options. Mostly high enough spaces for Brendon.
eta: Ha! Really not living on The World. Have to get an invite even to look. Residences from 3 million for your most basic studio to 15 million or so for something of any size. I clearly didn't live my life in a manner that this was a possibility. Why oh why did I not use my technical talents for hacking banks early on in my career?
Laura, that's probably a question the people on that boat would ask seriously.
$3 million to buy in, and I wonder what the monthly fee is? And if you always have to pay it or if you can not be on the boat some months and not pay as much?
And if you don't pay your monthly fee, are they going to strand you in Antarctica?
Worse - they'll strand you in some coastal area with (shudder) THOSE people.
It did say on the website that it is generally just one residence for their owners. So they aren't there all the time, but they own the space as a vaca home. If out to sea they probably have a heliport or something. The owners get together to decide where they will be cruising. They also said no celebrities are allowed as the owners want privacy, not paparazzi. I'm telling you, we did something wrong that we don't live this way.