If anyone not 'officially" in the exchange wants addresses from "THE LIST" - I can help with that.
Goodbye and Good Riddance: Hey, at least you didn't get a Peloton. (2019)
Take stock, reflect, butch, moan, vent. We are all here for it.
I just finally got my cards for the exchange done last night. It has been so nice getting cards, and I was glad of the exchange to spur me to get some done myself.
I also really enjoyed the card exchange. It spurred me to get my shit together and send out cards for the first time in many years. I liked sending them out as much as getting them. We should definitely do this again.
Also, getting cards is nice, even if they're "late", I just like hearing from my friends.
Cards! Got lisah and Calli's today. They're beautiful!
I've heard the theory that Coco held on against the cancer until he was sure that I'd be okay without him.
I absolutely believe this. I'm sorry it has been such a rough couple of years, Fred. May 2020 bring all good things. I like your attitude on retirement. You'll know when it is right.
I love the cards! Now I need to remember to get things like postcards when I am out and about and use that address list!
I got the cards on my list in the mail today! Plus a couple extra to the senders who included me, so I'm feeling that I managed some minimal decent adulting.
I'm so glad the card made it to you, Shir!
The card exchange was fun. I like sending cards, and getting something in the mail that isn't an ad, a money request, or a bill is delightful.
This year's been mostly good. I joined a gym and went pretty regularly when travel and health issues allowed. I had some job interviews in the areas I'd like to move to, although nothing came of them. There are usually a few nibbles before a good bite. I've been able to spend time with friends and family, travel a little, make a friend or two. If it wasn't for the sheer flustercluck at the political level, this would be a good year. Here's hoping 2020 will help resolve that.
Close enough, I think. Bad stuff first . . . .
In February there were nights that ended with me literally howling in pain, a whole lot of tests (cameras should not go there), and finally a diagnosis that led to All The Really Awkward Physical Therapy. ("Compression of the perineal nerve" - just the thought of it generally makes people want to climb away from their own bits.) It took months and plenty of crying and cursing, but I am okay now.
On October 26th, my four-month-old grandniece died; several days later, an autopsy revealed the cause as SIDS. In the aftermath, my brother and sister-in-law have separated, my immediate family of origin has pretty much fallen apart, and two separate events in my personal backstory said "OH HAI 'MEMBER US?", so I am now (finally) being treated for PTSD.
On November 1st, we all learned that Connie had died on the 10th of October. Shir, I'm working on the story of "When we went out to test the trebuchet and what we learned from it", promise.
Good things:
My friends proved themselves to be wonderful people who had my back, however that manifested - special call-outs to Bev and Plei, who have been avatars of kindness. Sometimes that looked like enabling me in buying a Dude Thor Funko to go with my Yule Goat, or saying "Let's drive to a town within spitting distance of the border for ice cream!" The ice cream was absolutely worth it, by the way.
Jim and I took an actual vacation for the first time in 10 years and left the country for it! Okay, we took the ferry to Victoria BC and slept a LOT, but it counts.
I now have a Mini, the Saturn having made it to 20 years and within a thousand miles of 200k. She looks like the blue one from the 2003 version of The Italian Job and I am not allowed to do any mods until she is paid for.
There has been a lot of music, and theatre, and getting hauled to art museums (friends again for the latter two). I have learned I much prefer open mic night at a local brewery, fondly heckling blues musicians I know, petting dogs and helping kids with board games, over going to the symphony - but I'll go to the symphony because Jim loves it and sometimes you get surprise!Steven Spielberg.
Some awful things happened this year. This time there are better tools to sort it, and good people to encourage the work. That includes all of you.
It's good to be back.
Shir, I'm working on the story of "When we went out to test the trebuchet and what we learned from it".
Oh, amy. What a year. I'm sorry for all of the losses. Happy for your friends, too.
It is so good to have you back, amyparker. May the good in 2020 completely overwhelm any bits of bad.
I don't really have much to say about 2019. It seems it was just a placeholder year. Lost a bunch of weight and put it back on. Endured a bunch of work stress and survived to go forward another year. DH still dealing with the same issues that plague him. Eldest has made no progress. My siblings still facing the same challenges. The only change is now approaching 66 instead of 65. And my hair is longer and has a more pronounced gray streak.
Having my son and DIL living here has been nice. There is more upside than downside there.
May 2020 bring things into focus. I'm grateful for this group and hope we all find much joy in the year to come.