On the happier making news, it is on the facebook of someone I barely knew in HS who friended me. I debated, because I didn't know him too well- he was quiet and we ran in different circles. He is a joy! So smart and politically astute, so I am glad I did it.
I have a HS friend I rediscovered on Facebook, kinda like that - someone I was acquainted with, who was a friend of a friend, I don't think we ever said more than two words to each other back then. Found old friend on Fb, she's there in his comments, we actually have conversations and we added each other on Fb, and I am soooooo glad. She could totally be a Buffista.
Calli, I have no useful Helsinki suggestions. But I am drooling with envy.
Have fun, Calli! That sounds fabulous
We're off to a Halloween book festival today. We went last year and had a great time. I've been looking forward to it for months and a couple of my favorite authors will be there. So, of course, my brain is freaking out and panicking. I hate my brain sometimes.
Super jealous of travels!! I had been idly contemplating some but I think that's out now.
Calli - be sure to visit the Russian cathedral in Helsinki It has some lovely medieval icons.
Also, take a day trip over to Tallin (sp?) which is supposed to be lovely - but be sure to wear good walking shoes. Lots of cobblestone streets.
(I was there once on a work trip and would like to go back)
Timelies all!
It's a bit cooler here than it has been. Also, it's windy.
I am trying to do the November schedule with us down 4 20-hour a week positions and 1 40-hour a week position and it is a total disaster. I have reached the point where I need to take a break or cry.
Not helping is my desire to use myself as the person making up the slack in the schedule which is not actually physically possible; stop it, flea.
Don't do it, flea.
Have a great trip, Calli!
meara, do you listen to podcasts? That might be a good option for semi-attentive times.
Not a podcast person really, but my friend got the roku to work—she said it was a weird issue where it didn't see the right network, but it had happened before so she was able to fix it. Yay