I called the pharmacy an hour ago when they opened, and the guy had no idea what the message was about. He said, oh, it's out of stock. I said, yeah, I knew that yesterday. They told me it would be in today. Um, let me check and call you back.
So at the moment, I do have Schrodinger's prescription.
Is this the prior authorization is needed but not yet prescription? I'm starting to suspect a curse.
Yep. The PA was sent yesterday, which is when they told me it was out of stock.
It's almost like keeping you from having medicine is their goal.
My prescription is ready! They have no idea why someone left me that message last night. This is obviously better than not having the prescription, but all of the drama was a little much.
Pharmacies can be weird ... I've had them give me a lot fewer pills than were prescribed and once gave me one wrong pill in the bottle. Good luck with yours, Dana.
Congrats on the successful pitch, erikaj! I'll look forward to reading the post!
I've been overwhelmed this morning with the feeling that something bad has happened. I actually stayed off my phone for hours because of it. Don't know of anything that has actually happened aside from the continuing shitshow of our government.
I'm at a very busy urgent care waiting to have my ankle looked at.
The politics have become so hostile on the Holton-Arms alumnae FB page that I've just been invited to join a secret "alumnae standing with Christine Blasey Ford" splinter group and you guys it took 22 years but I'm finally in a high school clique.