Because I probably shouldn't post this on Facebook (it's not cool to post things about articles I edit before they're actually published) -- can I just say how this week is NOT THE TIME to assign me an article titled "Intimate Partner Violence, Sexual Assault, and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder among
Midlife and Older Women: Prevalence and Impact on Menopause Symptoms"?!?!?!?!?!?
That said, I suppose this is a damn good time for us to publish this article (though it won't be online for about a month). So it's needed, but god DAMN, do I not want to edit it. Jesus.
My excel is taking forever to update my picot tables, that's why I'm so chatty. In case anyone is wondering.
It is well into October, and the temperature just hit 91F here in NC. That is unacceptable. Not Kavanaugh-levels of unacceptable, but still annoying.
It's snowing on the mountaintops in Utah.
It is well into October, and the temperature just hit 91F here in NC.
It's snowing on the mountaintops in Utah.
America: it's big and has wacky weather!
I'm so happy to live in a "temperate" zone.
I can see the mountains and the little waves on the lake. If only I wasn't coming down with bronchitis or something (I've got a doctor's appointment for Tuesday). 2018, the year the lungs got mean.
A bug in the latest Windows 10 update might delete files in your user directory.
Yikes! I don't think I'm running Windows 10 on anything, but still.