I had the most enormous cupcake at a going-away party, after having fries for lunch with the goer-awayer, so I still feel uncomfortably full.
I'm trying to figure out what to carry with me to the march tomorrow. I can fit everything in my pockets, except for water, so is it worth carrying a bag? I kind of feel like yes. I wish I had one of those water bottle slings.
In other news, I just got a notification from Tumblr that one of my posts had been flagged for inappropriate content. It was from 7 years ago and was just this NY Times article: [link] I can see where a computer might be afraid that picture is dirty, but COME ON. (Also, the post had one (1) note, so it's not like anyone was seeing it anyway.)
Uh, really? Jeesh.
Water bottle slings are the bomb.
I bought an actual fanny pack for hiking, because I didn't want a full backpack (not even a small day pack) because I am contrary (and also because I'm not doing to be hiking more than 3-4 hours at a time anyway). It can carry a LOT of shit and is still compact: [link]
I bought a little fanny pack for band, which is awesome, but not tactical like that one! I do this kind of thing often enough that I should get my equipment together better.
not tactical like that one!
Ha! I had specific hiking needs, mostly (1) can hold water bottles, (2) can hold phone, and (3) can hold Luna bar and optional sandwich. I suppose I should throw in a small first aid kit, too, or at least some band-aids and kleenex. Maybe also a Swiss army knife.
Hiking and Marching have similar requirements, really.
After my bottle sling made out of upcycled plastic broke, I got myself one made by the Chicobag people so it folds up into itself when not in use. It also has a little pocket for keys or a granola bar or something, so if I want to travel really light, I can.
Has Riverdale gotten even more confusing or am I losing my ability to understand TV? I am not picking up what they are laying down, I don't think.