Eye dr appt this morning. My eyes are all dialated and I am reading the board at 8000x enlargement or something.
Super late to work and I cannot seem to care.
Sone of the ladies I was emailing with about the stray dogs this weekend have trapped 2 of the three we saw. Which is good since a cold front is coming. Also good because it looks like one is hurt. I won't be housing either of them. I have a second foster coming to me on Sunday.
The line was only medium! So I didn't lose my free stuff. Phew.
We had earthquakes two mornings in a row, and I didn't notice either of them. I fail at California.
Torrential downpower in San Francisco this morning.
Also, for my Giapetta work I've had to create a working game demo that involves a cipher wheel and game design. None of which is really in my wheelhouse.
Fortunately I put Matilda to work for me and she was excellent at all the little fiddley bits that needed to be glued together and assembled, and then she videoed me as I explained the gameplay to my partners. (My partner Fred is 100% a visual learner and using WORDS is not helpful to him at all, hence me doing all this craftsy shit that I'm not good at.)
And then of course it was complicated getting a five minute video from Matilda's phone to my computer because it was too long, but chopping it up and sending it via Google Drive finally worked as we raced to the last minute and then got her on the bus.
In case you're wondering this is all part of us replacing our demos that got Blown The Fuck Up by the Bomb Squad, and we have to finish it before Toy Fair in February.
We had earthquakes two mornings in a row, and I didn't notice either of them. I fail at California.
No, I think that is the sign of being a true Californian.
I'm sad to report that I only felt the first one because I was just going to bed at 4am after making a deadline.
The second one woke me up. But they don't seem to make me nauseated the whole next day anymore so I'm going to consider that a California win.
I didn't think you were supposed to have earthquakes AND rain!
It's a brave new world, Jesse.
Still have never experienced an earthquake. Don't think I would be pleased.
DH is out of town until Monday night at a tournament. I have the grand ideas of getting a lot done, but so far today none it actually done. Also #1 son's birthday is this weekend. Not sure what to do about that. Probably take him out to dinner and give him a gift card to Dunkin. He really needs to eat more.
I remember when we on the East Coast experienced an earthquake on the board together in real time.
Yeah, there was an actual palpable earthquake in the Boston area a couple years ago, and I was working in Norwood which has some considerable bedrock foundation, so I didn't get to feel the earth (slightly) move. Foo.
The closest I ever get is being stopped in traffic on top of a small drawbridge near the Museum of Science (a very common route for getting downtown from here in North Camberville) and feeling it rock slightly.
Just not the same.