The Bell Tolls for Whom
I sent a link to this to my mom who has been reading about how language changes and telling my dad not to be so hidebown and lecture-y about grammar and she responded "Right on!"
I have never heard my mother actually say "Right on" IRL, it is weirding me out a little. I guess she is embracing the paradigm shift.
I have my fingers crossed for you (and everyone else), Consuela.
Getting old is not for the weak, alas.
Shrub report: I like it! Am currently drinking with bourbon and seltzer.
I'll probably do some basic medical visits after my medicare kicks in next month. I generally go alone, but my doctors are my customers so I end up working on their systems and answering questions about software when I am there.
I'm sorry you are stuck in limbo, Consuela. I haven't seen any good conjecture on what is going to happen. Maybe the public response to the speechifying tonight will shake things up. Not sure.
My tv plan tonight is watching the Golden Globes since I only saw the first half hour.
Shrub report: I like it! Am currently drinking with bourbon and seltzer.
Now I want to make a shrub.
This drink needs a new name. The constant shudder of association with GWB is unnerving--the fact that people are *liking* "shrub" is equally disturbing.
Yeah, I'll get over it.
Call from Cardiologist was to reschedule the echo test. Fortunately the office is at the hospital across the street from my complex. The parking lot entrances between the two directly face each other. I took the earliest appointment available so I could go to work right after. I shouldn't even be late. I'm such a good worker.
I was feeling nostalgic this morning for how much I used to hate GWB. I would take that back if it meant being out of the present situation.
Now I want to make a shrub.
It couldn't be easier -- just takes time.
I was feeling nostalgic this morning for how much I used to hate GWB. I would take that back if it meant being out of the present situation.
I mostly want to remember how much I used to hate him and not let him get retroactively softened.
I am not watching his stupid racist roadshow this evening. Or listening. Gonna rewatch some Sherlock instead.