That's a long drive, Vortex!
I made molasses cookies, went to PT, and have a friend coming over later for dinner and a movie, which will be nice. But oh man, does my hip and back hurt from getting around the past few months. I am so off-balance. I measured recently and my right thigh is a full inch smaller than my left (even though I've been using it somewhat, with the knee crutch and stuff) and my calf is two inches smaller than my left one! It looks withered. But I'm almost not looking forward to being able to put weight on it, because that's going to be a lot of hard and painful work! Right now, pt is just massage and flexing and icing, only painful when they're doing cupping on the scar. But soon it'll be a world of ow. But guess I gotta get through it to walk and dance. Here's praying next week thye have good news for me! I'm trying to write down questions I have for the docs but feel like I'm forgetting some.
Here's to full recovery, meara!
I'm here at the penultimate night of a 100-year old bar in Brooklyn. It's a bar that used to be frequented by the Mohawk ironworkers. It's about to be torn down and replaced by a high rise, which I guess is sort of appropriate.
Aww that sounds pretty cool but sad, Tom.
I had a friend over and we watched "to all the boys I've loved before" and it was adorable. Netflix really stepping up the rom-com game, since movies in theaters aren't! I had read the book it was based on, but so long ago that I didn't remember what happened!
I'm flying back to San Francisco today, and I plan to spend the next few days in my pajamas reading.
Timelies all!
Went to lunch, ran a couple errands, and we are now back home. Gary took Mr. S to the playground in the hope he would burn off some of his energy.
I'm having a terrible time getting off the couch today.
ION, I'm fighting with Paypal again because despite being shamed on Twitter, they claim the answer to my sister's problem is to have her contact them through the general customer support line, which she has done FIVE TIMES ALREADY. It's like that old joke about the definition of insanity...
I'm following the grim saga on Twitter, 'suela, and appalled on your and your sister's behalf. I only intermittently use Paypal anymore now that there are so many other instant payment/money-share options--I can close out in support of her and tell them exactly why if you think it'll help. Not sure what else to do but keep re-sharing and re-shaming.
Someone got ahold of my credit card number and bought $4,000 plane tickets on United between last night and this morning (I'm a little obsessive about checking my account online, thank goodness). My bank was super helpful in closing my card and disputing the claim, but it's still a pain in the ass.
I feel like plane tickets are SUPER traceable, though. They have to be in a person's name, with valid ID. This seems like something where the thief could be caught pretty easily.
I'm just glad this happened after Christmas, because while I do have a debit card, I don't like to use it for purchases. But I can use it for groceries and stuff while I wait for the new card to be issued and sent to me.