I'm having a terrible time getting off the couch today.
ION, I'm fighting with Paypal again because despite being shamed on Twitter, they claim the answer to my sister's problem is to have her contact them through the general customer support line, which she has done FIVE TIMES ALREADY. It's like that old joke about the definition of insanity...
I'm following the grim saga on Twitter, 'suela, and appalled on your and your sister's behalf. I only intermittently use Paypal anymore now that there are so many other instant payment/money-share options--I can close out in support of her and tell them exactly why if you think it'll help. Not sure what else to do but keep re-sharing and re-shaming.
Someone got ahold of my credit card number and bought $4,000 plane tickets on United between last night and this morning (I'm a little obsessive about checking my account online, thank goodness). My bank was super helpful in closing my card and disputing the claim, but it's still a pain in the ass.
I feel like plane tickets are SUPER traceable, though. They have to be in a person's name, with valid ID. This seems like something where the thief could be caught pretty easily.
I'm just glad this happened after Christmas, because while I do have a debit card, I don't like to use it for purchases. But I can use it for groceries and stuff while I wait for the new card to be issued and sent to me.
I'm surprised they didn't call you about the charge in the first place! I get called more and more frequently when there is anything unusual on my cards. I always thank them for checking!
Yeah, and it's a huge charge. I was a little surprised that they didn't call me.
Well, they figured jet setter Teppy was always charging 4 grand plane tickets, right?
Teppy, maybe they bought gift cards or something? Because yeah, charging plane tickets sounds weird.
Today amazon delivered my package to the normal place, on my front porch. Still weirded by yesterday's delivery to the alley behind the house, stuck between my neighbor's car and the garage? That is (a) not my house and (b) in no way secure! (There are no house numbers on that side!)
I've got a cold for the 3rd time in 6 months. That is so not on. Hrmph.
Timelies all!
A (relatively) quiet Sunday here.
Ugh, getting your card number hijacked is so annoying. Sorry you have to deal with it, Steph.
Likewise recurrent colds, aurelia.