Well closing the web and going to bed after posting didn’t make things go away.
Neither did closing the web, then re-opening it, then closing it, then re-opening it, then closing it again before going to bed.
Is it weird to be glad that it sounds like a heart attack and not COVID?
I don't think so, Dana. In the days leading up to his death, DX was posting about things like going for bike rides. I'm glad his days were spent that way, instead of lying in a hospital, where no one could even visit him.
I don't actually follow Betsy on Twitter because her account is (understandably) mostly about politics. I can send her a message on DW if no one's told her.
Dana, I told Betsy, and I think I told her around the time someone else told her. She's responded to my message about amyth. I also included Betsy in a group message about DX that I sent to Erika, Fay, DebetEsse, Consuela, Kat, Cashmere, Lyra Jane, snacky, Raq, Plei, and Sean K.
Nilly, Fiona, Anne, I'm sorry to see you this way and yet so glad to see you.
Hi Laura & everyone!
I dropped in (because it is my birthday) & was surprised by the new board & shocked by the news of DX’s death.
I feel like I have been missing the board without quite realizing it. I will try to drop by more often. Particularly as I am someone who lives alone. Will come by later for a longer update but I have a church board meeting (yes - a surprising development ). & must dash to zoom. BTB have we been having zoom f2fs?
Oh sumi, I've been thinking about you. Thank you for dropping in. I'm sorry you were greeted with such sad news.
I hope you have a happy birthday.
How much do I love that Nilly pops in with the right link at the right moment?
Happy birthday, sumi!
It is good to see everyone.
It’s so good to see everyone again, even when he hate the circumstances that bring us together.
I’m thinking that rather than needing everyone to register other people or show them how use the board, etc. (although Laura’s DH was already a buffista to me!), maybe give a dedicated friend or family member the phone number or email of one of us to contact?
JenP, I see that now, but I am glad I reached out to Trudy, because now we are chatting. So my lack of being a good reader has led to a nice convo.
That's awesome - and much warmer than my checking the Seen By link!
I just thought of JenK (nurse Jen). I think maybe Hec orJZ keep in contact?
ETA: Happy Birthday, sumi!
Yes, we both do, Jen. We'll get on it.
Happy birthday, sumi! Good luck storming the castle church board! After that, may the rest of your day be very peaceful indeed!
It's after 11 my time and I'm still zonked out. Clearly first and second coffees were broken.
My coffee was broken too, JZ. It's past 2pm here, and I'm still in my jammies. I've been going through my bookmarks, to see if I still need them.
I stumbled across this one: [link] -- from April 03, 2006, which I labelled "JZ pregnant?"
It was inspired by your post here: [link]
And clearly you were, cuz check it out: [link]
I don't know why I'm sharing this, except it made me feel warm, instead of bitter and worried. Maybe it can do that for someone else.
That bookmark is staying. <3