Hey, Empress!
Pretty sure people pronounce JenP as Jen-pee, not jenp in one syllable, because that's hard.
I always mentally say it as your email.
Dana, I think your plans are a relatively safe option so long as those you are spending time with are also.
Which is exactly why I’m doing (I think I’m providing oven and will be assigned prep because Boy and I cannot both cook at the same time.) Thanksgiving for two. Every other household in my family is way too risky.
I am dreading how to approach Christmas.
I’m also dreading setting up an outdoor art event in a couple of hours. It’s masked and ‘compliant’ but I know that won’t really happen when there’s a reception after but I’m only helping set up.
Hey, is this a good news? I am having trouble recognizing it.
Ha! I legit chuckled.
The Amiable Alliance and Amy Emeritus (Emeritae? Is there a feminine?) have me all verklempt.
Teppy, that is fantastic news! I’m so glad for you.
I feel all of you making travel decisions. I went to NC last month so I could avoid traveling at Xmas for a myriad of reasons. It was only possible because my family are all freaky cautious people. Finally, our anxiety comes in handy.
Oh, and I didn’t go to work today, I worked on my own instead. In fact, they ended up being three people instead of six because another colleague followed my lead and the third’s husband was exposed at school so she made the right call and stayed home.
Darn you, wee Sue, where would I wear this? (but I want it)
That's a great coat.
Where would you wear it? These days wear it anywhere.
I mean, working from home, I seem to fall into a seasonal rotation of 5 tunic-like things with leggings. But this summer, I was killing it at the Saturday morning farmer's market. I have to go the doctor's office for a "Well Woman" appointment on Wednesday, and I'm already thinking about what I'm going to wear.
Oh amyth’s email is amyth71@gmail.com.
Thanks, smonster!
That's great news about your Dad and your raise, Steph!!!
The feminine of Emeritus is Emerita.
Dana, I think your plans are a relatively safe option so long as those you are spending time with are also.
They are. Groceries and doctors. (Okay, they went to NC, but they were careful, and it's been more than 2 weeks). But honestly, I'm far more anxious about giving it to them than them giving it to me.
That’s amazing news Teppy! Kick ass!
I’m kinda glad basically all those costumes were sold out. Some were amazing, but I haven’t got a spare $500 laying around!
My problem is that as (a) an extrovert and (b) a person who lives alone and has hugged people like three times since March, I’m going more than a little bananas. I am sad I won’t see my family for the holidays but can live with it. But I am so fucking touch-starved, and human-deprived. (Even for me, zoom calls are not the same). Also I’ve eaten way too much sugar and am basically addicted and can’t stop, and am seriously out of shape. Which I don’t love. But see again “so few pleasures in life right now” but also “don’t want to emerge from pandemic and have nobody recognize me”
Teppy, that's fantastic! I totally would have yelled down the phone at that news.
The feminine of Emeritus is Emerita.
flea beat me to it. (People who edit, check me on this: usage depends on the context of where it's being used and the preference of the person being referred to, yes?)