Cass, good on you for sticking to your guns. I left ATT for T-Mobile 10 years ago and haven't looked back. (This was one of the things I most hated after Rob died. Closing accounts is the 9th circle of hell.)
Cash, I'm so, so sorry. Just horrible.
Matt, how are the kitties doing?
Ugh, smonster. That's not a choice anyone should have to make.
Cash, I'm so sorry. That's awful.
Cashmere, my condolences.
I wouldn't ask your uncle that question (he may very well be beating himself up about that very thing), but I'd say it isn't inappropriate to ask a not-as-close third party.
Timelies all!
Happy Birthday Jessica!
Happy Anniversary sj and TCG!
I'm sorry Hec and Cashmere.
Lots of ~ma for everybody. The cursed year hasn't let go yet.
Gud, I'm beginning to wonder whether it ever will.
Oh my word, Cashmere, I'm so sorry. This has been a horrible year, but it has been vicious to your family.
I am glad you've decided not to attend the funeral. There's no way to gather inside safely, and I'm screaming mad that it keeps happening.
Still don’t know what to do about Sat. We’ll be outside and masked, but in pretty close proximity for about six hours. In theory I could do work for my business instead, but I’m having a very hard time focusing on anything not amyth-related and the pay at that job works out to more per hour. Plus I really like those people and the work.
smonster, I don't suppose there's any polite way to suggest your boss supervise the project remotely? Maybe some way to frame it to her benefit or plant some doubts in her brain, like, "Mary, I'd hate to see someone catch Covid from someone else and blame you. If you're supposed to quarantine and don't, can you be held liable?"
msbelle, Kate, I hope your people are okay.
That goes for anyone I've missed. I was wondering how I used to keep track of everything here when we were much busier, and just remembered this second I used to scroll in one window and compose in the other.
I am so sorry, Cash. How unspeakably awful. And it sounds like not going is very much the right decision, but what an absolute gutting mess all the way around.
Jesus, Cashmere, that's awful. I'm so sorry. You're doing the right thing.
Hec, all good wishes for your sister. I hope the chemo is effective and tolerable.
Good lord, so much horribleness for so many. I feel bad for all y'all and sending ~ma or mystic energy or chi or whatever form of non-physical sign of consideration you need.
Um, for a bit of funny news my ankles are swollen and super sore, probably strained but not sprained.
Why, you ask? Failing health? The vagaries of time and an unhealthy lifestyle?
I jumped off a roof. Because dumb.